Video/Event delay - Turn Sprinkler on when an IVS rule is triggered


Getting comfortable
Dec 11, 2019
I have a parking spot in my property that is accessible from the street (no fence or other obstacle), there is a clear separation between the road and the beginning of my property (black vs white concrete).
I want to define an IVS rule that identifies human crosses from the road into my property (parking).
As a response to the rule, I want to start a water sprinkler (I have a Zigbee operated valve).

I know how to implement this, I've written an application that is notifies upon IVS rules from the NVR (so, I can turn on/off lights/valve whatever).
I didn't implement this yes (connecting the water valve), since I know it will not work as I need it to work.
The main problem is that, I think there is a delay of few seconds between the actual event (in reality) to the time the (IVS) event reaches my application.
Everything, is wired, not using WIFI in the path from the NVR to the application.

This problem can even be demonstrated even without IVS rules, when you watch a live stream, there is delay (1/2 seconds I think).
Is there a way I can overcome this problem, meaning, I want to get an IVS rule notification, to my application 1 second or less since the event occurred in reality.
I'm out of home and not near the cameras anytime soon, so maybe i'm wrong regarding the exact times of the delays (but I know there is a delay).

My only Idea is to use the alarm out of the camera, but this is less preferred due to wiring (need to connect other device to the alarm out, that device will need power, which I don't have - used a POE splitter).
Having the camera's brain decide when there is motion situation, and then having it action the local electrical output, would be the fastest way to get the alert. Then you'd have to wire that camera output wire to your electrical field device, which is cumbersome in your case.
The main problem is that, I think there is a delay of few seconds between the actual event (in reality) to the time the (IVS) event reaches my application.
Everything, is wired, not using WIFI in the path from the NVR to the application.
At my previous home I had a wild turkey problem. So I used a camera activated sprinkler to chase them off. I did not experience a noticeable time delay. I'd say it all happened within 1-2 seconds of IVS intrusion/tripwire detection.

I used a low cost POE Amcrest turret camera that was flashed with Dahua firmware that gave it IVS functions. Its API was monitored by my OpenHab home automation system that was running the Dauha IP Camera binding. The actual water stuff was operated by a MQTT message sent via WiFi to a ESP8266 board that controlled a Orbit 58874N sprinkler valve.

The photo below shows the turkey invaders. Look closely and you can see the sprinkler that is chasing them away from my property. Worked perfectly ever time and stopped the garden destruction from their foraging.

So from my experience, I don't expect your sprinkler will have a long delay because it sounds like you are doing something similar.

- Thomas

@d5775927 If your camera is Dahua, if you use Home Assistant, there is already a Dahua camera integration. First screenshot shows a dahua cam as a HA device, with different IVS as sensors. You can use these to trigger your zigbee valve. No need to have NVR in the middle.

dahua device.pngdahua integration.png
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