Video of how my spotter cam's IVS rules call my PTZ to auto-track.


Known around here
Jul 30, 2020
With more people looking to get a PTZ and asking about it moving to a preset and auto-tracking I decided to put a video together. This shows how the PTZ goes from parked to a preset based on an IVS trigger from a spotter camera. From this preset the PTZ has its own IVS rules to tell it to auto-track.

Spotter: HFW5241E-Z12E
VMS: Blue Iris

How it happens:
The spotter is using IVS rules with trip wires. They are one way A > B and Person detection.
If a person is detected, and they break the trip wire, an ONVIF trigger is sent to Blue Iris.
The spotter camera's Trigger tab is set to both trigger my PTZ camera group and move it to the specified preset.
Once the PTZ arrives at the preset its own IVS rules take over. They are set for one way A > B and Person detection with tracking.
If a person is detected moving across the IVS trip wire from A > B then the PTZ will start tracking them.

All of the triggers and timing may not be synced perfectly, but it's pretty darn close. Also, do not judge the video quality as it is a product of how I had to gather the clips to include the IVS rules.

For reference, this is the relation of the spotter cam's FOV to the PTZ's call-to location. Ideally I will get a spotter trigger as soon as someone crosses into the red FOV.

Pink is parked.
Yellow is call-to.
Red is spotter.

PTZ Spotter.png

More information on spotters and PTZs can be found in this thread:
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Nice job. This is the kind of posts that really help people. I think of it as a case study.
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is there a way to move the PTZ to a preset based on which IVS rule is tripped? (my PTZ is located on the soffit in the upper right hand corner of these shots, looking 180 Degrees from the Rule1 area)

So based on these screenshots below:,

if Rule1is triggered move to preset A
If Rule2 is triggered move to preset B


is there a way to move the PTZ to a preset based on which IVS rule is tripped? (my PTZ is located on the soffit in the upper right hand corner of these shots, looking 180 Degrees from the Rule1 area)

So based on these screenshots below:,

if Rule1is triggered move to preset A
If Rule2 is triggered move to preset B

View attachment 165607

View attachment 165606

The command to send the PTZ to the preset is done by the NVR or VMS such as Blue Iris.
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Yes. Each IVS rule can direct the PTZ to a different preset, at least with a Dahua NVR, I assume BI can do the same
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The command to send the PTZ to the preset is done by the NVR or VMS such as Blue Iris.

Thanks, I know where to set this up in BI but that is based on BI detecting motion on the spotter camera that covers a large area compared to the FOV of the PTZ. To clarify, is there a way for BI to move the PTZ to a preset based on which IVS rule is broken.
That is correct. But hopefully soon BI will be able to allow us to set up trigger based on which IVS rule is triggered
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Nice! I am trying to do this, but for some reason I cannot select preset 2 or 3 in the pull down menu to make more IVS rules for auto tracking.
Screenshot 2023-11-11 144204.pngScreenshot 2023-11-11 144541.pngScreenshot 2023-11-11 150229.png
Any help would be greatly appreciated.