Video: Sewing tutorial takes a wild turn as car crashes into content creator's yard


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Homeowners that live at T-intersections sometime put huge rocks near the street area so that the only people that get hurt are the ones in the vehicle driven by idiot behind the steering wheel.
Homeowners that live at T-intersections sometime put huge rocks near the street area so that the only people that get hurt are the ones in the vehicle driven by idiot behind the steering wheel.
There's a sharp turn in a local road near me, speed limit is 45, then all kinds of advance yellow advisory signs recommending 25 with an arrow showing the direction of the curve, etc....y'all know what they look like.

The guy lives in a nice double-wide and fortunately it's about a hundred feet back from the outside of the curve because at least once a week somebody tries to climb the 6 foot dirt bank he's left there...likely for that reason.

They'll over-correct so badly sometimes when they realize they're going way too fast and waited too late to slow down they fishtail or do a 180 and wind up headed across from him and down a bit farther and into the yard of the place at the inside of the curve but less often. He has no dirt bank but the house is several hundred feet back.

I'd love to have a cam there to record it all......:cool:
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