Virtual Host Issue = every camera logged into shows camera 1 ?

Jack B Nimble

Pulling my weight
Dec 15, 2015
Great White North
When I try to use virtual host on my Hikvision NVR DS-7608NI-I2 every camera I log into goes to camera 1 ? I have tried every one of the 8 by hitting the IP in the virtual host list which all shows different IP's but still end up on same camera to adjust which is my back lane camera 1. If I go into browser manually on my LAN it appears the browser page is opening to correct camera as I can tell by the version interface but, when it views the image its camera 1.
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are you using Mac ?, there is a current known bug that if you use TCP in web options it will show live view of cam1 on all cam's own web pages when click to open via virtual host IP. but unfortunately to make thing worse UDP is broken in latest NVR firmware on Mac, it need a new web components, I am currently testing and it works well, but I am under a NDA and can give it out, he new plugin should be released in NOV.
Screen Shot 2016-10-28 at 12.52.15.jpg
This is also my experience while using UDP on Safari on my Mac. I can switch to TCP for a quick, say line crossing adjustment, then all cams black out. I was also pretty much at 10% functionality with UDP too in Safari until this weeks firmware release with plugin version V3.0.6.8 which seems to work "most" of the time with UDP. My cams work 100% with this version but the feeds from my NVR craps out occasionally. It's beyond my understanding. The feeds are happening, they're just not showing in Safari. If I record a stream and then view in VLC it's all there. They're just not viewable reliably in Safari.
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This is also my experience while using UDP on Safari on my Mac. I can switch to TCP for a quick, say line crossing adjustment, then all cams black out. I was also pretty much at 10% functionality with UDP too in Safari until this weeks firmware release with plugin version V3.0.6.8 which seems to work "most" of the time with UDP. My cams work 100% with this version but the feeds from my NVR craps out occasionally. It's beyond my understanding. The feeds are happening, they're just not showing in Safari. If I record a stream and then view in VLC it's all there. They're just not viewable reliably in Safari.

web plugin is not released yet, I have it for test and works without issues.
That's the same version number that's in the 3.4.90 firmware, here : build161008 English+Multi-lingual/
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> 
<Platform name='win32'> 
That's the same version number that's in the 3.4.90 firmware, here : build161008 English+Multi-lingual/
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> 
<Platform name='win32'> 

<Platform name='win32'> is NOT Mac ;)
Yes, I understand that. It's the only webcomponents inside the firmware. I was only guessing that the equivalent fixes are already incorporated in the Windows version, assuming the version numbers mean anything.
Yes, the firmware is platform agnostic. V was included in the 3.4.90 that is also platform agnostic. I can confirm that after four days the new web plugin is an improvement for me, but just a little. The feeds work over the NVR about 50% of the time now, an improvement over pretty much 0%. Viewing the separate cams works about 80%. A complete logout or restart usually restores the feeds. Recording an apparent "blank" feed and then viewing with VLC always works too, but then it always did. I'm running the newest Safari version, OSX also up to date. Love to know why it works without issues for you and what I need to do to correct this. It's been maddening.
As far as I can see Hikvision Europe haven't updated their Web Components downloads area since February of this year and Hikvision USA has even older versions. I think we can only assume that they are attempting to address these issues solely with the main firmware releases.
Yes, the firmware is platform agnostic. V was included in the 3.4.90 that is also platform agnostic. I can confirm that after four days the new web plugin is an improvement for me, but just a little. The feeds work over the NVR about 50% of the time now, an improvement over pretty much 0%. Viewing the separate cams works about 80%. A complete logout or restart usually restores the feeds. Recording an apparent "blank" feed and then viewing with VLC always works too, but then it always did. I'm running the newest Safari version, OSX also up to date. Love to know why it works without issues for you and what I need to do to correct this. It's been maddening.

as I said I am using the latest safari web components package installer, it IS NOT included with the firmware, you have to install in to OSX. it is a separate installer.

Screen Shot 2016-10-29 at 19.52.09.jpg
That's not the case. You installed it separately because Hik sent it to you to beta test. I installed it when I installed the V3.4.90 firmware in which it is included. We're running the same version now.
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See attached:

where ?, I have downloaded the firmware and the OSX pkg is not included in the zip ?, remember there is 2 parts to the plugin, one for safari, and one for NVR. you must only have the NVR part, wait for the safari updated part.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <FileVersion>
<Platform name='macosx'>
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What's the version number of the Web Components they released to you?

v3.0.5.51 safari
v3.0.6.8 for NVR (now included in latest firmware)
[COLOR=#333333]<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <FileVersion>[/COLOR]<Platform name='macosx'>
</Platform> [COLOR=#333333]</FileVersion>[/COLOR]
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