VPN help please

I never had to modify any of the keys on my Router running the latest Merlin.

That could be the case with the latest builds...I set mine up some time ago and have continued to use my own certificates because I liked the customization that it allowed.
I am successful in connecting my iPhone 6 (tethered through my Samsung)

I did have to enter in my credentials (username & password) Didn't have to do that on my Samsung phone.
I would suggest clear out your client files, uninstall OpenVPN clien, and reinstall from scratch.
I did a direct import into OpenVPN from Gmail. Clicked on the attachment and in the top right is the little square with arrow.
It asked me what I wanted to do with the file, I chose open with OpenVPN.

I've tried to upgrade the firmware to my router and its a no go. I restored to the default and retried the setting and it must be the routers firmware. thanks for your help gents.
I want to say thanks to you guys for lending a hand. I was finally able to upgrade the firmware to 384.4 and the vpn worked. I’m greatful for your patience. Now to keep learning. Onto stopping the cam from accessing the internet and then go live.
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Glad you got it working!