VTH5341G-W connects to network but wont find VTH or VTO in scan


Mar 7, 2023

I Bought a new Dahua VTH5341G-W indoor monitor recently.
I previously had bought a VTO2211G doorbell which is working with mobiles successfully.

Both have the latest firmware
VTO: V4.511.0000000.0.R.20220523
VTH: V4.400.0000003.0.R.20230308

I factory reset the VTH
I factory reset the VTO
Then followed the installation instructions.

The standard install steps for the VTH are basically that the VTH needs to scan to find itself and the VTO.
Once found you confirm/update the settings to initialise the connection.
This is the case when using the initialisation menu as well as once booted up in the manual settings.
Unfortunately I cant get the scan to work for either method.
Manually entering the settings does not allow a connection to be established.
I am as confident as I can be that the settings are correct.

The network seems to be fine (POE static and DHCP Wifi)
I can side load a simple browser and access the internet without a problem.
I can ping the VTH from another PC or my android phone
I can ping the VTO from another PC or my android phone
However i can't ping the VTO from the VTH

Anyone had this issue?

Thanks in advance.


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In fact I can actually ping everything else on the network from the VTH except the VTO?????
So maybe the VTO is the issue?
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If you are using static IP addresses then double check the subnet and gateway address settings on all devices to verify they are correct. You might want to consider temporarily switching to DHCP mode just for grins to see if that helps your situation. If everything works in DHCP mode, then you can assign those same IP addresses in static mode if you want and it should still work, or you can just leave it in DHCP mode depending on your specific network setup requirements.
Thanks for your reply. Good suggestion.
Unfortunately there seems to be no difference in DHCP mode.
However I Just locally port scanned the VTO (from a PC)
The HTTP port, the TCP port and the RTSP port are all open - however the SIP port is not?
I assume it can't communicate with the VTH if the SIP port is closed.

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Port scanning the VTO from my Android phone gives the same results as above.
However Port scanning the VTO from the Android VTH shows no ports open at all?
Here are the VTO SIP settings (dumped using DahuaConsole)
It confirms that the local (internal) SIP port is 5060 and the outgoing SIP server port is now 5080,
that the domain is VDP.
I am sure the password for register/auth user 8001 is correct and for SipServerusername "admin" is correct.

"SIP": {
"AccoutName": "",
"AnalogNumberEnd": "",
"AnalogNumberStart": "",
"AuthID": "8001",
"AuthPassword": "**",
"DefaultCallNumber": "",
"IsMainVTO": 0,
"LocalRTPPort": 15000,
"LocalSIPPort": 5060,
"MediaDetail": {
"AudioStream": "",
"VideoStream": ""
"OutboundProxy": "192.168..**",
"OutboundProxyID": "8000",
"OutboundProxyPort": 5080,
"RegExpiration": 0,
"RegisterRealm": "VDP",
"Route": [
"RouteEnable": true,
"SIPServer": "192.168..**",
"SIPServerID": "8000",
"SIPServerLoginPWD": "**",
"SIPServerLoginUserName": "",
"SIPServerPort": 5080,
"SIPServerRedundancy": "",
"SIPServerRedundancyPassWord": "**",
"SIPServerRedundancyUserName": "admin",
"STUNServer": "",
"UnregisterOnReboot": 0,
"UserEnable": true,
"UserID": "8001",
"UserType": 2
"SIPKeepAlive": {
"FailTimes": 2,
"KeepAliveTime": 60,
"SipServerEnable": true
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Port scanning the VTO from my Android phone gives the same results as above.
However Port scanning the VTO from the Android VTH shows no ports open at all?

In a nutshell the VTH can port scan and ping everything but the VTO.
However the VTO is visible from other PC's and my phone.
I can't tell if the VTO's UTP SIP port is open.
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I found the VTH's self test screen.
All the tests seem to be successful except the "485 test" and the "433 test"

Can anyone confirm if this is an issue?

do not use any scan bullshit. that dont work on dahua devices, only hikvision can setup doorbell via indoor monitor.

try this

it is important to change the network IP on sip-server tab (VTO) to the IP the VTO have
leave portsettings etc default... if you changed it click on save and enable again (maybe some restarts happen)

also important that you config sip server and vto on VTH
on sip server username is 9901#0 and password default is 123456

on VTO config username is admin and the admin password you setup
Thank you very much for replying.
I have double checked the settings but the VTH still just wont connect.
Looks so straightforward in the videos.

Just wondering if the old settings are not being cleared completely.
Some settings like IP address etc seem to be retained.
Is the correct method of factory resetting as follows?:
VTO: web interface/ top far right menu item/ factory reset or 5 presses on the VTO tamper button
VTH: Settings/System/Reset Options/Erase all settings
Woo Hoo I have got it working now!

I Factory reset and then reinstalled both firmware's with Config Tool
No change.
VTH Network connected fine but still wouldn't communicate with the VTO/SIP server (exclamation mark in task bar) and still didn't find the VTO in the setup scan.
VTO seemed to be working and showed itself as connected in the status page but couldn't communicate with the VTH at all.
VTH could ping/port scan any other network device except VTO
Any other network device could ping/scan VTO except VTH

So I reinstalled a simple browser.
I could browse to the IP addresses of my by router, my network printer etc etc successfully.
However there was no path to anything connected to the POE switch (Security cameras and VTO)

On inspection of the unit I found a dimm switch on it had been knocked to the on position.
This was causing it to operate in isolation mode.
Once I turned this off the VTO & VTH connected immediately.

It is Incredibly annoying and embarrassing that it was something so simple and completely unrelated to VTO & VTH.
I am very glad that it is working though!
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