Warning triangle, but clean logs

Nov 20, 2020
So for the past week I got a triangle on the bottom right corner of BI and also on top of every camera border, all logs are clean. How I can figure out what is those warnings/errors?

r/BlueIris - Warning triangle, but clean logs
r/BlueIris - Warning triangle, but clean logs
r/BlueIris - Warning triangle, but clean logs

To be clear, Logs are populated on the window, but I don't see any warnings
Okay, rolling back to clears the warnings on both cameras and bottom corner.
Updating again to brings back the triangle but still no error in the logs.

Best guess is a bug, either something DOES trigger a warning in the new version but we don't get a log entry OR it's a false positive..
It means an issue with the stream. If those cameras are using hardware acceleration, that is probably the issue.
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If nothing is showing up in the logs, then the triangle in the top corner of the camera border means it is an issue with the stream whether it is apparent or not.

Many of us have seen this happen with recent updates. Update and get this or another issue like notifications don't work and rollback and they work again.

Even though the image looks fine, it is causing an error in the BI camera - it could be it is having trouble processing both streams, trouble with HA, etc. It may go away after a minute or it may not. Hit the find/inspect on the camera and see if that gets it going.

But you also don't have to run the latest version either. If yours works as intended in .11, I do not think anything was added between .11 and .18 to live on the bleeding edge. Many of us run an older version that is stable and only update when something we need or want is added.
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Hit the find/inspect on the camera and see if that gets it going.

Hmm, seems that new BI version are finally able to pickup the profiles of the cameras, until now only the (default) was available. Now I can choose Profile 1-3.
I find it not so user friendly to just show a warning icon without anything backing it up. Even a stack trace might be somewhat useful until it gets masked into a meaningful message.

Triangle on the top corner of cameras is gone, But now I have the triangle on the bottom corner that is flashing every 5sec or so.
Like 5 sec on 5 sec off. Still logs does not show anything.

PS: It's not a crucial system, that's why I don't care running latest ;)
When that was happening to me it meant that the FPS was getting too high or too low. I monitored the Camera tab in the log and could see it happening.