We went back an hour - damn, the system is good


Getting comfortable
Oct 6, 2019
Melbourne, Australia
I've been using Blue Iris coupled with Dahua (Empire Tech) cameras for the last 3 - 4 years, with the Blue Iris computer being the time server for the cameras. I use NetTime program to update the computer every hour, each camera checks in on the Blue Iris computer every 10 minutes.

All I want to say is, damn, the system just works. Here in Australia (Victoria), we went back an hour overnight, and I woke up this morning, and everything was in sync and still is.

This is my thumbs-up to the system.
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Does that mean that Australia also has Daylight Savings Time? The Dahua equipment also does the same thing but there's one thing I've not figured out, which is what happens to the hour of video when the time "falls back"? In the USA, the hour from 1 AM to 2 AM happens twice on switchover day.