Web page audio alert on output of AITools (forked)

Sep 22, 2017
Been playing with BI for years and have deployed a dozen successful commercial video security sites using it as the backbone!!!! In my own use, we tend to use the UI3 interface on a lot of viewing stations scattered around building and remote, and recently have found some cheap touchscreen 15" screens coupled with the Google Fire stick (using built in web viewer ..... or the android app) provides the lowest cost viewing station with decent local control. All of our BI main boxes are usually hidden and/or in server rooms. So far so good. Now playing with the AI/DS and forked AITOOLS getting close to very solid alerts (flagged) without all the false alerts. Now the question ... how is the best way to get an audio alert to happen at the remote viewing station. AITools has quite a few built-in items that I'm not that familiar with .... and goal would be to work across various platforms seamlessly for the viewing station (windows small pc's running chrome, Firesticks web browser but possibly with pushed android app, etc.). Thought maybe the UI3 interface itself, but developers said not really workable and would need a new BI feature to "push" flagged alerts as a independent item. Realize can have say my mobile phone be alerted ... but goal is to have these multiple viewing stations be notified a qualified new alert (flagged AI) has occurred and get someone nearby to take notice.
This may help.
My setup works like this
1. Blue iris triggers and records a jpeg on trigger
2. Aitools looks at recorded jpeg if it detects wanted object then sends mqtt message (can use http request) to blueiris to confirm and flag the motion alert and externally trigger the camera.
3. If no object is detected it sends a cancel mqtt/http to blueiris to cancel the alert
4. Alerts on BlueIris are set so when camera gets an external trigger alert is sent. mine is pushover but there are a number of options here like email, app push notification, popup toast and many others