Wester digital camera and blue iris


Mar 6, 2024
I have 8 wd ip cams set to 30fps and I frames to 60. But blue iris has the frame rate at less then 1 and is giving me the yellow triangle and check frame rate/ key most of the time. Sometimes the frame rate is good and the triangle goes away. I also have 4 annke cameras with no issues. Don't think it's a network issue think it a setting in the cameras. Need some advice im at a loss with this. Totally new to blue iris. Had 2 wd ready view setup with 4 cam on each added the annke cams a year ago. Was looking just to up grade the nvr for now and add some better cameras down the line. Let me know if their is any other info you need to help.
Take screenshots of all the configuration that could possibly be helpful. Anything video related in the camera's web interface in particular. Screenshots of the camera configuration in Blue Iris may be helpful too.
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Is that a screenshot of the POE NVR's webGUI and not one of the cameras?
Try smart codec= OFF, encode mode = H264, Bitrate type = CBR, Bit rate = 8192, Frame rate = 15FPS and Frame interval = 15

Generally, with a POE NVR the cameras are on a different subnet from the NVR's LAN and the NVR streams via RTSP to Blue Iris, not directly from the cams.
All BI cams are configured with the IP of the NVR's LAN and then a different channel number from BI's drop-down is used; if 8 cams then 8 identical cams set up in BI except channel numbers would be 1 through 8.
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So all the cams are on my network not in to the nvr. My plan was to remove the nvr once I get this working nvr are .11and .12 blue iris .37 and cameras are .220. I changed the setting in the camera to what you said now blue iris shows 2.1 MP 2.04/1.0 fps 980 kB/s still getting the message check FPS and key rates.
So all the cams are on my network not in to the nvr. My plan was to remove the nvr once I get this working nvr are .11and .12 blue iris .37 and cameras are .220. I changed the setting in the camera to what you said now blue iris shows 2.1 MP 2.04/1.0 fps 980 kB/s still getting the message check FPS and key rates.
Try deleting that cam in BI and re-installing; Enter IP, username, password and click on "Find/Inspect".
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I think I got it.. after removing the cam from the original dvr and putting in the settings and restarting the cam it was working. I was also able to set it back at H.265 and 30 fps and in basic mode and it still worked had to be old nvr forcing it to do what it wanted not letting the setting change. Thanks for all the help now time to buy blue iris.
I think I got it.. after removing the cam from the original dvr and putting in the settings and restarting the cam it was working. I was also able to set it back at H.265 and 30 fps and in basic mode and it still worked had to be old nvr forcing it to do what it wanted not letting the setting change. Thanks for all the help now time to buy blue iris.
Glad you got it going.
I'll be the first to admit NVR's are not my strong suit, I use Blue Iris. :idk:
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