Wet Wipe Woman


Getting comfortable
Jul 31, 2014
Washington State
This is a long video so I will give an outline of what happens.

A guy leans his bike against a power pole and walks away. A barefoot woman arrives, sits in the grass at the end of my driveway and spends a lot of time messing with her stuff. She goes through her purse, cleans herself with wet wipes and shaves her legs. She eventually leaves, but she comes back to write a note and take the bike. The note was basically an apology for taking the bike without permission, it gave some personal information, and she stated that she would bring the bike back. The note blew down so I picked it up and taped it to a sign. Some people checked out the note. One was pushing what I guess was a baby stroller, but it looked like a BBQ grill.

The note is hard to read but I goes something like this. To whom it may concern. If this is your bike, I'm sorry for borrowing it without asking you first. Sorry, I want to make sure you get it back so here is my phone number 360??9124?. She then goes on to give her address but it;s hard to read. Then she says If I don't hear from you in a day I will bring it back where I found it. Sorry again, Thank you, Whomever you are. Photos of the note are included in the video.

I watched for the guy to return for his bike but I have,'t seen him. It's odd that he leaned it against a pole and walked away. Maybe it was a stolen ride and he was done with it.

Homeless encampment which almost always involves druggies nearby.

Yours are better than mine, mine only seem to come out at night .
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I must say this though...in spite of her circumstances she's trying to freshen up, did leave a note (with decent spelling and grammar I might add). I just see folks like these and say think "There, but for the grace of God, go I". :headbang:

It's difficult to see people in similar scenes and not think up reasons why they are at the place they are in life, I try my best to not be judgmental or jump to conclusions. It's likely true that most are victims of their own actions but certainly there are a few that had no control of their circumstances, possibly in the wrong place at the right time....that could happen to any of us. Again, I am blessed beyond words (yes, even me).

On another note, I'm pretty sure I saw a small dog inside the BBQ grill/baby stroller, toward the left side.
It always amazes (amuses?) me how the homeless can't get decent shoes, coats, food, etc., but always seem to have drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Here in Commiefornia though, some cities hand it out for free.
I spit my coffee out when she starting trimming her back hair with scissors!

Bill Burr did a good routine about going to a homeless encampment in his Red Rock performance. Available on Netflix
That is the most happening corner! Never a dull moment there.

I don't know her circumstances, or her background, but I do feel sad for her. When I was younger, I would have said something scathing about her, but not any longer. I hope she finds happiness.

Baby Stroller? Mobile Fallout Shelter? Wow.

That corner is amazing!
A friend commented that both the wet wipe woman and the woman in the red dress arrived showing signs of stress, but both of them seemed to have found some relief before leaving.

I watched for someone to return but neither the guy that left the bike or the wet wipe woman have come back, even though the woman said in her note that she would return the bike.

The note stayed for several days. Quite a few people stopped to read it, then while reading a woman knocked the note off the sign. Rather than putting it back up she carried it away.

I've lived in the area for over 20 years and in the beginning there was no strangeness. It all started back in 2013 when a car dealership opened near me. There was a metal building with multiple bay doors, and a single wide mobile home behind it. The structures were previously used by the owner that was in the business of installing manufactured homes. The car dealership sold lower cost cars that would appeal to young drivers. They were modified with loud exhausts, spoilers and such. There was a constant flow of people to and from the place, and I noticed multiple cameras around the building. Cheap cams connected with coax cable. The people seemed, well, low end as well.

In 2014 the place was raided by multiple state and federal law enforcement agencies after a long high speed chase that involved drugs being thrown out of the windows. The owner had been under investigation since 2012 for drug dealing. After the raid it was determined that he was the largest meth dealer in the county. Eventually the guy was sentenced to 11 years in prison. His girlfriend got popped as well but I don't remember how much time she got. Even though the place was shut down strange people still came around and hung out in the cul-de-sac.

In 2015 the building was set on fire and was completely destroyed by a guy that was living there. He lived in a travel trailer inside the building. He had a dispute with his landlord, threatened to "burn everything down" and then set his own trailer on fire which burned down the building. After that the building and the mobile home were removed from the property, and now it's just an empty field.

To this day the same type of people that the car dealership attracted come and hang out in the area. Some are homeless and sleep in their cars. However, it is not a homeless camp as seen in some areas. The cops come by periodically and run people off, and I assume they just move to a different spot for the night. I assume there are multiple spots in the area and they spread their nights between spots.

According to wet wipe woman's note she is not homeless. This is the house at the address she gave, which is maybe 15 miles away. Her house is on the right.
