What are the best IP cameras in the 300-400 range.

You would only want to get that if you have a lot of light or do not care about night performance.

Do not chase MP.

You want cameras with MP/sensors in GREEN.


Most here will say that 4MP is the sweet spot for these types of cameras.

See this thread for the commonly recommended cameras (along with Amazon links) based on distance to IDENTIFY that represent the overall best value in terms of price and performance day and night.

The Importance of Focal Length over MP in camera selection
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Cameras in the thread I linked based on your goals.

Is the camera on the front of the house trying to be an OVERVIEW camera or IDENTIFY and if IDENTIFY, at what distance? That is two different cameras.

A camera that is good for 10-15 feet away to IDENTIFY is not the same camera as one that can IDENTIFY at 60 feet away.

Too many think one camera can be the be all, see all, do all. That is only in the movies.
This would be the options:

  • 5442 Z4E - varifocal up to 32mm - anything up to 80-100 feet (personally I wouldn't go past 60 feet but I like things closer).
  • 5241-Z12E - varifocal up to 64mm - anything from 80 feet to almost 200 feet (personally I wouldn't go past 150 feet because I like things closer).
  • PTZs - the 49425 is great sub $450 auto-track PTZ or the SD4A425DB-HNY mini-PTZ (sub $400) and in conjunction with an NVR or Blue Iris and the cameras above that you can use as spotter cams to point the PTZ to the correct location to compliment the fixed cams. If you have the budget though, the PTZ5A4M-25X is the best option unless you have an even bigger budget and could go with the PTZ4K45X-AI
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This would be the options:

  • 5442 Z4E - varifocal up to 32mm - anything up to 80-100 feet (personally I wouldn't go past 60 feet but I like things closer).
  • 5241-Z12E - varifocal up to 64mm - anything from 80 feet to almost 200 feet (personally I wouldn't go past 150 feet because I like things closer).
  • PTZs - the 49425 is great sub $450 auto-track PTZ or the SD4A425DB-HNY mini-PTZ (sub $400) and in conjunction with an NVR or Blue Iris and the cameras above that you can use as spotter cams to point the PTZ to the correct location to compliment the fixed cams. If you have the budget though, the PTZ5A4M-25X is the best option unless you have an even bigger budget and could go with the PTZ4K45X-AI
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I recently installed a IPC-B54IR-ZHE-S3 in an area that has no light at all, and the image is amazing with the built-in IR. Distance to the point I wanted to capture was measured at 80'. I had previously tried a IPC-B52IR-Z12E-S2, in that placement, but it was overkill for the location. Worked great though. Since you mentioned that the distance you wanted to cover is 60-120', the IPC-B52IR-Z12E-S2 would probably work well for your application. Both cameras work great in extremely dark areas.
Out of these 2,
  • 5442 Z4E - varifocal up to 32mm - anything up to 80-100 feet (personally I wouldn't go past 60 feet but I like things closer).
  • 5241-Z12E - varifocal up to 64mm - anything from 80 feet to almost 200 feet (personally I wouldn't go past 150 feet because I like things closer).
Is the 64mm one nicer even though its only 2MP?
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It's "nicer" as far as longer range. The image optically zoomed is going to be better at longer range(s). But the sensor in the 5442 is better all around and as far as low light goes and resolution. At equal range/focal length within the range of the Z4E, it will be "better" all around than the Z12E. To the extent that you may want to zoom in within that, the Z12E may be better. You won't be able to zoom out more below the low end of the Z12E so if things are close, the field of view may be smaller than you want.
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If you want best bullet cams and have higher budget - there are premium version of 5442 called 5442H-ZHE.

it's 5442 in bigger premium chassis, with bigger and brighter varifocal optics with aperture which starts at F1.2 (not F1.8 as classic 5442E) and dual mic.
All taken from WizMind-X Ultra line (7442-X - which cost 2x more) at only a few dozen dollars more..

Bigger aperture allows this models to collect 2x more light at the same zoom level comparing to normal 5442E model..

Andy don't have this in his shop, but in past I did order those models by DM from Andy...

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Are there any turrets with good IR/night performance?

and what would be a good turret cam similar to 5442 Z4E?

No, turrets are too small to have that type of lens inside...

But there are 5442 Z4E models as dome:

Please remember that dome cams are pain the ass (spiders, sun reflections, IR reflections, needs a cleaning)..
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If you want best bullet cams and have higher budget - there are premium version of 5442 called 5442H-ZHE.

it's 5442 in bigger premium chassis, with bigger and brighter varifocal optics with aperture which starts at F1.2 (not F1.8 as classic 5442E) and dual mic.
All taken from WizMind-X Ultra line (7442-X - which cost 2x more) at only a few dozen dollars more..

Bigger aperture allows this models to collect 2x more light at the same zoom level comparing to normal 5442E model..

Andy don't have this in his shop, but in past I did order those models by DM from Andy...

I bought two of these from Andy some time back. They are my best cameras along with the Z4 S3
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