What does "Decode Strategy" mean ? (Dahua NVR)


Young grasshopper
Jan 17, 2020
I am running a Dahua DHI-NVR4108HS-4KS2 with latest firmware V4.001.0000005.1 - so far so good. Everything looks good.
However, under the camera settings I have the option to select the "Decode Strategy" to General, Realtime or Fluent.
Can someone explain the difference ? I have not found any explanation.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-08-30 um 13.28.37.png

there is no explanation in Dahua manuals about this options..

From my practice I have noticed that when the cables/plugs to the camera start to fail and the camera disconnects of the recorder (lack of video, red color on camera list) changing the decoding strategy allows it to be restored to operation. The NVR accepts a much greater number of errors or delays in the connection from the camera with decoding strategy setup to something different that general .

off-course this don't resolve problem of bad cable / ethernet connection and errors / shutters in video stream..
I actually read what these were recently but not recently enough to remember the specifics.
It's essentially how the video feed functions.
Fluent will play the feed smoother but might come at the expense of detail.
Realtime will play the feed in higher detail but might come at the expense of performance (stuttering dropped frames etc).
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Fluent will play delayed (by cable / network problems) stream fluent (constant 25/30 fps) at the cost bigger time difference between image recorded by camera and displayed by NVR. in this settings when NVR display 24/7 feeds, some streams (from cams with network problems) every day can be more & more delayed to recorded / actual one...

Realtime will jump over delayed stream to latest / fresh received video frames - so there will be no time difference between image recorder by camera and displayed by NVR. But sometimes NVR can jumps over video frames (don't display them or display very fast) - so there is no fluent guaranty here.

in both cases there is no difference at video detail - video decoder is video decoder - it simply decodes received data as h.264/h265 stream.
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