What DS are you running?


Nov 19, 2021
I see some saying that BI are working without the server.exe (a copy of seepstack.exe) but for me not.
I use: DeepStack-Installer-CPU-2022.01.1.exe & BI Latest
Many here saw problems with the 22 version of DS and are running the previous verison.
Same versions that I am using of both and there is no server.exe in the deepstack\server folder, just deepstack.exe and mine is working.
With only deepstack.exe and NO server.exe:
When i open processmonitor i see python.exe and deepstack.exe
At BI Settings->AI. I see START NOW (must mean is is stopped)
When pressing START it for a short show STOP, and the START. This is wrong.
With deepstack.exe and server.exe(BI choice server.exe)
When i open processmonitor i see python.exe and server.exe
At BI Settings->AI. I see STOP NOW (must mean is is started)
When pressing STOP it show START, and when pressing START it show STOP, so it working.

I have now tested both and the AI is working, so i think it is only the process monitor in BI there have a bug?

How many processes of DS have you set in BI->AI
I have set 2 processes, but maybe 1 is ok, i use 3 cam?
instances: 1 on 5 cameras