what is the rushing water sound I am hearing!?


Pulling my weight
Jun 13, 2015
So when I run BI console, every few minutes a very quick audio clip, maybe lasting 1 second plays of rushing water (or that is what it sounds like).
I have looked everywhere I can think, including the user setup area for login/logoff sound and it isn't there.
I can't pinpoint exactly how often, I'd say randomish, but if I have the console open for say, 5 minutes, I'd guess it goes off 3 times maybe.
Driving me nuts! It even happens even if I close the console (BI still running as a service).
I don't notice it 99% of the time because the computer I have BI on does not have speakers. I only notice it when I use Remote Desktop Connection to connect to that pc.
Anyone have any ideas where else I can look???
Is there an audio file area in the BI folder structure I could maybe look through?

Or, I do have BI tools running on the same pc... could that be the culprit??
@marklyn 1 possibility. Log into your camera webui and check if noise cancelation is enabled. Turn that off temporarily to see if it changes the clip audio.
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@marklyn 1 possibility. Log into your camera webui and check if noise cancelation is enabled. Turn that off temporarily to see if it changes the clip audio.
Where? Login to the UI3? If that's what you meant I don't see any setting for noise cancellation there.
Not UI3. Each camera should have a web UI you can access via your browser. Log into that UI to change camera video/audio options.
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Not UI3. Each camera should have a web UI you can access via your browser. Log into that to change video/audio options for each camera.
I have 15 cameras, most without sound, but I'll check the ones that do anyway.
Remote Desktop Connection normally only passes sound from BI during clips playback and audio from alerts (when configured) unlike UI3 that passes all sound.
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Remote Desktop Connection normally only passes sound from BI during clips playback and audio from alerts (when configured) unlike UI3 that passes all sound.
I know that when I use UI3, for hours at a time on my second monitor, I never hear the above mentioned sound.
It's only when I remote into my Weather PC which houses BI and 1 weather software package that I hear the sound. The weater pc's main use is BI and the weather app.
Anything else put on that machine is done by me and extremely sparingly (ie: browser, SyncbackPro synching software). I only started noticing this when/after I put BI/BI Tools on.
I'll follow up with... if I had installed a ton of apps on that pc, I'd be suspicious about any of them but this machine is al most 'pure' for the reason of it's primary purpose, BI and a weather app.
I can't even find any .wav/.mp3 sound files except some that reside in the BI \www\sounds subfolder and none of them sound like a 2 second water rushing clip.
I also didn't find any noise cancellations on in any cameras that have audio (as suggested above)
Camera mics can be very sensitive. In fact over sensitive which leads to both sound distortions and them picking up sounds you might not expect such as drains, gutters, downpipes, ponds, etc. Be sure non of your cameras are picking up any such sounds. As said above you can check in various ways. You could mute the sound on every camera in BI UI3 and then re-intriduce them 1 by 1 to see if one of them is responsible. If the noise is there even with all the cameras mued, then it's probably on the PC iteslf in which case look for apps / sounds such as screensavers. If you have a Samsung TV BTW, the tv has a screensaver with water rushing sounds that come and go every fews secs that sounds and croaking frogs, very much like what you're describing. It's the one with the mountains in the background.
Traffic on a road can sound kind of like that too with distortion over the mic.
I can say with 100% certainty this is not from a camera picking up an external noise.
1. It never happens when I have UI3 running, sometimes for hours at a time.
2. It only happens on the computer which BI is running from.
3. The sound is identical each time in sound and length (2 seconds)
4. It reminds me more of an audio clip that plays when some type event happens but the sound of quick rushing water doesn't make sense to me.
Sounds like (no pun intended) it's coming from BI then. But I can't think of anything that makes a similar sound and don't think that I've ever heard it. I don't run BI Tools. Maybe take that down and see.
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Sounds like (no pun intended) it's coming from BI then. But I can't think of anything that makes a similar sound and don't think that I've ever heard it. I don't run BI Tools. Maybe take that down and see.
I'll try that.
I can't imagine anything in BI that could cause it. I strongly suggest muting all the cameras and seeing if you can still hear it. If you can't hear it, unmute them in turn until it appears. If it happens when the camera is muted, then you need to look at the Apps you have on the PC. As this is unique to you, I can't imagine it being a BI related issue unless there's a problem with the installation in which case as a last resort, you may nee to remove and re-install BI or if that doesn';t work, re--install the entire PC including windows. Even with the latter I still suspect it's something in windows whether infiltrated or accidentally introduced.
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