What kind of cameras do security companies offer?


Getting the hang of it
May 14, 2015
My in laws are moving and talking about getting a home alarm system. They mentioned that they also get one camera with a certain package. I don't know which company they are looking at but I assume it is a heavy advertiser like ADT. Does anyone know what they camera they would typically install? Would they hook it to an NVR and a monitor (or maybe an output for their TV)?

I'd like to know if the knowledge I have learned here could get them a better product that would cost less (in a relatively short timeframe).
Tell them to RUN not walk away from adt/vivint/slomins etc..the alarm system they "install" is an all in one keypad with wireless sensors..they acutually work quite well but you can install a BETTER system for MUCH less...they tell you that the system is free, but they charge you 50-60+ dollars a month for monitoring when it only costs 10-25...you will be locked into a 3-5 year contract and when its over they will disable the system or make it beep forcing you to disconnect...
So either high a professional installer to do a hardwire system or simply pickup one of these honeywell systems http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=honywell+alarm
if you get the a wifi or GSM module you can control your system with your mobile device...only "installing" you have to do is run power to the keypad...everything else is double sided tape..these systems will allow you to add sensors and make changes when YOU please not ADT and for no installation cost.
use alarmrelay.com for monitoring. Landline monitoring is 9 a month..gsm monitoring is 20 or so...make sure the unit you buy has a gsm dialer..
As far as the cameras go, they install pure junk...it will be WAY cheaper and MUCH better to install a hikvision/dahua system...
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Fenderman, Thank you for the detailed reply! You summed it up so well that I didn't have any followup questions. I hope to be able to help my in laws using the info you posted above.