What Ya Working on Wildcat ?


Known around here
Dec 9, 2018
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Don't usually like to cross post but am doing here since was asked by users that frequent both forums

I’ve been asked this question many times over the past 2 weeks and realized I hadn’t posted an update so since things have been crazy busy wanted to get back to posting here. So you asked for an update, long one incoming, you’ve been warned :)

As mentioned, it’s been a crazy busy set of weeks. I’ve been working on the following:

  1. Building out 2 brand new surveillance networks for testing purposes. A number of servers running on these for an upcoming test project. Been upgrading the backbone to 25 & 100Gbe which has been interesting. Certainly not required for the cams themselves but for the processing, editing etc of areas below this has been very useful. On this I’ve added 2 huge NAS’s for different testing I plan on doing as well as offering much speedier upstreams for editing. Each NAS is currently at 120TB with a couple of M2 pools for additional cache + system use. Hoping this gives me more than enough space for a while ;)

  2. Work almost daily doing config / system dial in’s for members here + directly through YouTube requests, email etc. I’m still doing these for free but am considering whether I take people up on their kind offers to do this at a small rate or even a donation based approach due to the time taken. I’ll be honest, as all of you know about me, I love doing it and its great to help people get the most out of their systems + enjoy the investment they’ve made in a security infrastructure.

  3. Building out some scripts for upcoming videos. I’ve been going through some of the newer manufacturer models looking for those that I think will provide value to those of us here but TBH there haven’t been too many new developments that I feel push the technology further in a useful, meaningful way. With that said, AcuPick, SMD 4, upgraded Auto tracking algorithms and the AI updates (backend as part of security algorithms for some cams) do bring promising updates with real world improvements if used properly, as part of an overall sound config and knowing what you have to trade off in terms of other features. I am also pulling apart some other offerings from people like Axis, Ubiquiti and so on and the same rules apply, nothing really moving the value vs feature needle for the most part, yet. With that said, I was very interested in the Ubiquiti AI Pro. This camera represents something I would like to see from Dahua & Hik. Namely a regular sized bullet cam footprint that can accomplish multi AI processing including Face Detection, ANPR/LPR, Animal Detection in parallel (not 1 vs other). This reduced footprint and improved AI is something I’ve spoken to Andy, Dahua, Hik about as it would be great to see investment in the same. Don’t get me wrong, Ubiquiti is certainly not ideal, starting with the fact you need a Unifi Gateway & NVR investment, no true manual controls for exposure etc, FPS maxed at 30, IR control is not great. However the cam itself overall is very good at what it does, albeit at $499. It’s really the convergence between AI processing on chip + additional AI processing in the NVR SW that makes things work well. My goal is to look to get to a similar point with the better cams we all use here. I’m also thinking a head on test of their newly released Ultra turret vs the amazing 5442T & 5842T and showing the benefits of the 5x’s again and looking to be able to demonstrate similar AI functionality (more below) with HW AI NVRs (multi stream AI processing) / Middleware solutions in a way that makes it more approachable for all.

  4. Based on the above, I’m working on some video ideas to put features up against each other and show how utilizing Dahua NVR’s + their AI cam’s can potentially elevate your game and as always be something useful and not a gimmick. Think AcuPick vs Video Metadata, Camera Face Detection vs AI recorder etc. I’ve picked out some cams and NVR’s that I think might be best to test and am working on seeing if I can secure these for a couple of video’s. Let me know your thoughts on this and if it’s something of interest. The video’s take a lot of work and I want them to be useful to all here. I’ve also been diving into the possibilities of how we can utilize the AI detections and recognition for deeper script level control of PTZ’s etc.

  5. In addition to the above and understanding that certain people prefer to use either other middleware / NVR platforms OR smart home integration, Home Assistant + HomeKit Integration is also something I’ve been doing more with and entertaining whether that is something that could assist here. I’ve had some requests to build out some videos around using these with Dahua / Hik cams so I’m exploring those areas too. Currently have 2 different environments setup for this as well. HA environment is running in multiple VM’s with a Deb.12 build so I can teardown when finished with a config. I also have a separate HomeKit / HKSV environment for testing. I’m also doing work with Coral AI + NVIDIA GPU based AI for some projects I want to complete. Specifically Edge TPU, 4090, L4 DC configs etc (for larger DC level integrations) and looking at impact of inference speeds on feeds I can push from multi cam setups, possible outputs using these, some crazy configs I can put together looking to take further control of PTZ movement using the API access + AI detection. I’m also looking into model training using these as well. Ideally looking to push this further……when time allows.

  6. I’ve also been training 1 new (of 6) security ‘associates’ :) You will see 1 of these in the next video. You may be surprised with this one ;) They have an 'appetite' for security :)

  7. Last but certainly not least, continuing driving updates and feature requests back through manufacturers based on my continued use and deployment of many cameras. This one does take a lot of time as I’ve mentioned before and I will say that manufacturers are more resistant to change than ever before based on market demands reducing their interest in longer term cam support, switching to quicker release models of newer, often times not better devices, which is a shame. However I still am making progress on FW changes, QOL improvements for products and giving a pause for thought on upcoming camera releases where I can based on proposed features vs real need and things like processor / SOC pairings that work vs those that don’ or are a non-starter.

So there, it is, a lot going on. Not all projects above may make it to final videos but that depends on interest here and those that pan out into something that I think can help us all here.

Today I’ll be picking some of the winners for the latest ‘Spin The Wheel’ competition.

Hope all here are doing well. I’m trying to respond to all DM’s as well as catch up on YT comments since I’ve not been as active on there based on the above.
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
Hey Wildcat--- can you give some hardware details on those chunky 120TB NAS systems you are creating?

I am setting up a 72TB (four 18TB Purples) BI server and they will likely want more storage for this system, There is a 10GB fiber backbone on that network.
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Known around here
Dec 9, 2018
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Hey Wildcat--- can you give some hardware details on those chunky 120TB NAS systems you are creating?

I am setting up a 72TB (four 18TB Purples) BI server and they will likely want more storage for this system, There is a 10GB fiber backbone on that network.
Certainly. I am using QNAP H874's (i9's 16 core, 24 thread) units with 8x 20TB drives (RAID-Z2) + SSD's via on board + add in cards (Mellanox + QNAP). I already have other units specifically dedicated for surveillance captures as well (allow me to play with different middleware + HW/SW NVR solutions for testing) and use Seagate Skyhawk drives (20TB also) in those. .
Sep 17, 2018
Reaction score
Hey Wildcat,

you are certainly a busy man!! Sent you a DM. IF you have a sec to chat, would love to pick your brain on a home upgrade project. Happy to compensate for some time if you can squeeze it in


Known around here
Dec 9, 2018
Reaction score
Hey Wildcat,

you are certainly a busy man!! Sent you a DM. IF you have a sec to chat, would love to pick your brain on a home upgrade project. Happy to compensate for some time if you can squeeze it in
Hahah, keeps you out of trouble, right ? :) I'll take a look at the DM