What's for dinner?

Looks like a frog to me too.
I hate those damn things. Big ass pterodactyls come and eat all the fish and frogs in pond that I have.

This was about a $500 koi that my neighbor had flown in from Japan. (No fricking way that I'd ever spend that much on any fish. Mine are all 5 for $1 feeder goldfish. lol But he gave it to me as a gift so had to take it.)

View attachment HeronEatingFish1.mov
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I’m sitting here in a room full of guys. The speaker is just cranked up and everyone thinks I’m watching some epic movie preview!

They all come walking by because the music is so epic only to see a bird in a yard.

At this point you figure all the looky lues would go away - no!

They are just like me just waiting for that epic ending!

Thanks for the laughs . . .
I hate those damn things. Big ass pterodactyls come and eat all the fish and frogs in pond that I have.

This was about a $500 koi that my neighbor had flown in from Japan. (No fricking way that I'd ever spend that much on any fish. Mine are all 5 for $1 feeder goldfish. lol But he gave it to me as a gift so had to take it.)

That sucks, yeah i have a place for my fish to hide (a bucket on its side with rocks on it and in it and in front of it to make a narrow entrance) in my pond. So when the idiot birds come over they hide. Also my fish are the 99 cent gold fish like you. I purchased five 4 years ago and only one died because he got stuck in the filter. So i fixed that so no others get stuck. They even survived the big freeze we had here in texas. And the four are growing as big as any 500 dollar koi. But yeah sorry for your loss.

View attachment 129442
I’m sitting here in a room full of guys. The speaker is just cranked up and everyone thinks I’m watching some epic movie preview!

They all come walking by because the music is so epic only to see a bird in a yard.

At this point you figure all the looky lues would go away - no!

They are just like me just waiting for that epic ending!

Thanks for the laughs . . .
Now that's funny, I cried tears just thinking about you guys gathering around that damn computer, just to see the damn bird catching a frog.
I hate those damn things. Big ass pterodactyls come and eat all the fish and frogs in pond that I have.

This was about a $500 koi that my neighbor had flown in from Japan. (No fricking way that I'd ever spend that much on any fish. Mine are all 5 for $1 feeder goldfish. lol But he gave it to me as a gift so had to take it.)
Check this out. Seems to work for some pond owners.

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