What's the best cloud backup for Blue Iris Alert images?


Getting the hang of it
Dec 29, 2014
Anyone have luck w/ backing up alert images to an unlimited cloud service? Not trying to backup video to the cloud, just alert images.

I've tried google photos - upload seemed really slow (I'm on gigabit fiber so it's not my connection).

Tried Amazon Prime photos - upload of the entire alerts directory was super fast, but I can't figure out how to just upload and not "sync". The result is that Amazon is deleting the photos on the cloud when they are deleted from the specified Alerts folder.
Not sure it is the best but Dropbox works great for me. I do it from the Post tab for each camera I want a jpeg sent from when triggered.

You might try this method with your Amazon Prime Photos.
I like dropbox but it's not unlimited unless you pay quite a bit.

The reason I want an unlimited service is so I can just grab the whole alerts folder and have a pretty awesome archive of images.
I have used CrashPlan (14.95/month unlimited computers and unlimited storage) when I saved alerts and stored files on USB drives. I used Carbonite ($50/year for one computer) when I stored them to local drives. Both have their pros and cons. I'm upgrading my system to used larger internal drives soon so will be going back to carbonite.
Thanks Abelmj. I definitely want something free and unlimited with regards to photos, and having something geared towards photos (functionality-wise) is a huge plus.

I'm trying google photos again, and it seems it's keeping up with new alerts almost immediately. I opened the Google Photos app on my phone today, went to Assistant, and noticed it had created "Animations" for each camera which was pretty cool and unexpected behavior.

Another interesting thing is it's identifying people's faces. Nothing new there, but it's interesting to see that happen with all of my alert photos. Amazon Prime photos also had this feature.
I've had fantastic luck with OneDrive! I keep the "New" clips folder trimmed (via BI's "Limit size" option) to 20GB and then having BI move them to the configured "Stored" location. I did this because I don't enable alerting on all of my outdoor cameras, so in case I was a victim of a smash-and-grab style (or someone just stole my BI computer), I'd have a chance of something more helpful for the police than JPEGs.
I use google photos. Yes its slow, but great for going back through. Depends on your purpose.

If you want immediate review, it's the wrong tool, but a long term storage and review site it's perfect (IMO).