Where is the Balloon?


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
Tennessee USA
Something really stinks in DC. First, you allow a Chinese Spy Balloon to float in our airspace, above our country for days, and you don't remove it. When it was in Montana and other remote western states, you had the chance to take it out. You gave an excuse you didn't want to hit anyone with debris. Not buying that excuse. If a Russian Plane flew over the WhiteHouse, they wouldn't care if one of their sidewinder missles hit or missed the bogey, they are gonna fire on it regardless and let the debris fall where it may. Do you find it absolutely strange that there is not one single internet site out there, that is publishing realtime ,location of where this balloon is at?

Also, why is there now a second balloon, currently flying over South America? I say it's a test, to see if the US would have the balls to do anything about it. I would say the Chinese now have their answer of how weak our government really is. We didn't do anything about Ukraine. We won't do anything about Taiwan. Tell me I am wrong. Give me your theory. I am fresh out of ideas why our government is suddenly cowering behind mommas skirt......
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Something really stinks in DC. First, you allow a Chinese Spy Balloon to float in our airspace, above our country for days, and you don't remove it. When it was in Montana and other remote western states, you had the chance to take it out. You gave an excuse you didn't want to hit anyone with debris. Not buying that excuse. If a Russian Plane flew over the WhiteHouse, they wouldn't care if one of their sidewinder misses hit or missed the bogey, they are gonna fire on it regardless and let the debris fall where it may. Do you find it absolutely strange that there is not one single internet site out there, that is publishing realtime ,location of where this balloon is at?

Also, why is there now a second balloon, currently flying over South America? I say it's a test, to see if the US would have the balls to do anything about it. I would say the Chinese now have their answer of how weak our government really is. We didn't do anything about Ukraine. We won't do anything about Taiwan. Tell me I am wrong. Give me your theory. I am fresh out of ideas why our government is suddenly cowering behind mommas skirt......
I'm thinkin' if word was that it was headed this way toward 'Bama, Bubba and Cooter would be at their stands with their deer rifles, wearing their best camo and stacking empty beer cans, even if all night......heck, I'd consider joining them. :lmao::headbang:
I would say the Chinese now have their answer of how weak our government really is. We didn't do anything about Ukraine. We won't do anything about Taiwan. Tell me I am wrong. Give me your theory. I am fresh out of ideas why our government is suddenly cowering behind mommas skirt......
I agree 100% that it was/is exactly...a test.
You don't know how much I wish Trump was in the WH, his responses to all offshore and home events that have been been occuring since 1/20/21 would have led to them NOT trying such a stunt.

I saw a male squirrel yesterday with bigger balls than Brandon....you'd need a microscope to find his if he even has any. :mad:
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In excess of 65000 feet, more then F22 flight ceiling in full afterburner. Only operational aircraft in the US that can fly that high is the U2.

The real question is why couldn't the airforce detect it when it approached US air space.

Similar ballon was spotted over Japan and India military bases, these two countries don't have the capabilities to destroy something that high with zero/ poor thermal and radar signature, I guess the same applies to the US.
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I'm thinking this Chinese balloon is some kind of distraction to take the heat off (what there is of it) of potato and his indiscretions. If google earth can image the globe from a satellite think of what China can do. They have to have camera technology that can identify humans from space, right? Why the hell would they need a balloon? Are they really that interested in counting crabs in Leroy's pubic region? This balloon is serving some other purpose. We're all talking about it and not potato SH head's problems, right?
A think tank in DC said this ballon is difficult to shoot, slow moving objects are always the ones which make it past a air defense system, since those are ignored by the radar.
In Saudi Arabia during a F1 race, Youthi rebels launched a drone attack, despite assurance from the US military that the US manned Patriot PAC3 system would defend them.

The think tank guy say this ballon is AI piloted.
Couple of decades back Canada attempted to shoot down a rogue weather ballon using the F18C with its m61 Vulcan gun and even after emptying 1000 rounds into the ballon, it still flew for 6 days.
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A think tank in DC said this ballon is difficult to shoot, slow moving objects are the always the ones which make it past a air defense system, since those are ignored by the radar.
In Saudi Arabia during a F1 race, Youthi rebels launched a drone attack, despite assurance from the US military that the US manned Patriot PAC3 system would defend them.

The think tank guy say this ballon is AI piloted.
Couple of decades back Canada attempted to shoot down a rogue weather ballon using the F18C m60 Vulcan gun even after emptying 1000 rounds into he ballon, it still flew for 6 days.

I think they could get rid of it if they wanted to, but it's serving its purpose as a distraction, so potato's loving it. "Lookie at the shiny thing while I destroy classified docs right before the fbi (snicker, snicker) conducts a really thorough search (BWAHAHAHA)."
Screw the missiles. Just shoot a high wattage laser at it. They could bring it down, they just don't want to. Guarantee if it had been hovering over the WhiteHouse, it would have been down days ago, damn the people that might get hit in the head with some carbon fiber shard........
I'm thinking this Chinese balloon is some kind of distraction to take the heat off (what there is of it) of potato and his indiscretions. If google earth can image the globe from a satellite think of what China can do. They have to have camera technology that can identify humans from space, right? Why the hell would they need a balloon? Are they really that interested in counting crabs in Leroy's pubic region? This balloon is serving some other purpose. We're all talking about it and not potato SH head's problems, right?

The Hunter drama...
I'm thinking this Chinese balloon is some kind of distraction to take the heat off (what there is of it) of potato and his indiscretions. If google earth can image the globe from a satellite think of what China can do. They have to have camera technology that can identify humans from space, right? Why the hell would they need a balloon? Are they really that interested in counting crabs in Leroy's pubic region? This balloon is serving some other purpose. We're all talking about it and not potato SH head's problems, right?
Brandon and the WH Press Secretary have enough hot air to launch a thousand balloons.....:headbang:
US has been working on lasers, would be a good test to see if it can reach it :). It would be best to capture it...using a laser and putting just enough holes in it to bring it down without destroying the electronics.