ipcamal you will get better night vision coverage with either 2mp or 4mp, the 3mp chip has more noise in the night image.
Article Fender has referenced many times and explains why more MP isn't always better:
However, the 4mp cameras have the low lux rating and are not as noisy as the 3mp. I will tell you that you don't need to spend hundred per camera to get into the 4mp world. You can secure what you are looking for in the mid $1XX. They will also be western region cameras that are stocked here in the US as well as allow for firmware updates and total US support vs the china region cameras you are seeing on Amazon.
If I may offer a suggestion if you are set on HIK... Look at my review here:
Once you do that and connect the dots as to the manufacture of these cameras and are happy with what you see - then reach out via PM to @
milkisbad and ask for a catalog and place an order for exactly what you want. I purchase through this company via another channel for my day job and I can't speak highly enough about them, however Milk works for another arm of that company and while I haven't dealt with him personally many on here have and rave about his service - all I can speak for is the company he works for and the products they sell. A++
Good Luck