Which NVR?


Apr 25, 2015
Which NVR?

After struggling for weeks with these cameras ( http://www.ipcamtalk.com/showthread.php/3392-Unbranded-IP-cameras-help-please )because they don’t do what I had hoped, and upload images to FTP reliably, I think I need an NVR at this stage, because the cameras might as well be dummy cams right now for all they’re doing, they’re saving nothing at all, and the only time they work is if I’m sitting there viewing the stream.

I tried Blue Iris but it’s so resource hungry that it brought my HP MicroServer to its knees with only 2 cameras running it was maxing the CPU to 100% which resulted in Blue Iris crashing constantly.
Not only that, it insisted on resizing the feed image slightly to allow for borders which in turn reduced the clarity of the image compared to viewing the feeds in other software. I did email the developer about removing the borders but he didn’t bother responding.

So at this stage if I can’t build a really cheap and small dedicated Blue Iris box that I can tuck away in the airing cupboard then I’ll need to find the right NVR, and after making mistakes on the cameras I’d like to get this part right.
The originally seller is trying to sell me a NVR model no. BN-N6032, he reckons he usually sells them for £299 but will sell it to me “at cost” for £169, it seems a crazy price for an unbranded NVR to me.

My end setup will be 2x 1080p cams and 2x 720p cams. I want reliable motion detection as I don’t want to record video 24/7, I’d like to if possible save snapshots 24/7 but accompany this by 25fps video saved on motion detection.

Do you have any suggestions on a suitable NVR or a cheap PC to run Blue Iris?

If you are set on keeping those unbranded cameras, then Blue Iris really is your best bet. Most good NVRs have very limited compatibility with 3rd party cameras. You probably will not get Blue Iris to run acceptably on the HP MicroServer even if you lower the frame rates to ~5 FPS and enable direct to disc recording. It is worth a try though.

I recommend a refurbished i5 workstation. Here is the best one I can find at the moment in the ultra small form factor: http://www.ebay.com/itm/HP-EliteDes...855?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c4e70589f

You might want an external hard drive or NAS for more recording space depending on how much recording it will be doing. The CPU is plenty powerful enough for the load you proposed, though it will require decent ventilation.
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My advice would be to return the cameras and get a Hikvision system you will be much happier in the end.
You can get a good 3mp for about £55 and a 16ch NVR (7816) for about £120.
Thank you, I’ll look in to it but I’m in the UK so will need to find an equivalent here.

I am still trying to sort out a return through PayPal but I don’t have much faith as I seem to have thrown away one of the boxes for the camera and the seller says I must return everything in saleable condition to him which is difficult as the cameras have been installed for quite some time now while I’ve been battling with them.
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My advice would be to return the cameras and get a Hikvision system you will be much happier in the end.
You can get a good 3mp for about £55 and a 16ch NVR (7816) for about £120.

PayPal have ruled in my favour and have said I’m able to send the cameras back to the seller for a full refund, so that’s good news. Shame I went to all the trouble of mounting them though.
Do you have any links to the Hikvision equipment for the prices mentioned above? I’m not really finding any that cheap. Thanks
NVR (DS-7816) £116.33 shipped DHL
Cam DS-2CD2032-I £54.16 shipped
Try a search for "Hikvision IP Camera" and you should see a lot around that price.

Cost may be slightly higher depending on where it is shipping to.

Thank you, my only concern is getting stung on import duty.

Looking at some screenshots of Hikvision camera software, I think I may be able to get away with no NVR for the time being, it seems like the cameras themselves have more options available for taking screenshots at timed intervals and I will possibly just be able to save footage and or pics to network storage directly from the camera?

A shame these cameras don’t come in Black.