why IPC-HFW8232E-Z slow motion video recording on sd card?


Getting the hang of it
Jul 15, 2017
I setup this camera with Tripwire IVS rules to record on U3 Samsung EVO Plus 128gb sd card. fram rate set to 60 but it records in very slow motion video. motion detect records fine but when I change to IVS rules Tripwire setting then it starts to behave slow motion recording.
What happens when you lower the frame rate?
i think my media player classic creates that problem. i was watching that video after downloading via third pary software.
Found the problem, it was media player classic created the problem while playing the dav files.
60fps is insanely high.
15fps - 20fps is a reasonable amount.
15fps will give you 4x the recording time, 1/4 the write cycles on the card, and will extend MTBF.
60fps is insanely high.
15fps - 20fps is a reasonable amount.
15fps will give you 4x the recording time, 1/4 the write cycles on the card, and will extend MTBF.
i don’t have too many Tripwire triggers so i’m not worrying about SD card life.
Nothing like a little overkill when it comes to write speed capacity on the SD card...
60fps is insanely high.
15fps - 20fps is a reasonable amount.
15fps will give you 4x the recording time, 1/4 the write cycles on the card, and will extend MTBF.

Not necessarily. If you're using a CBR of say 9000kbps then it would record at 9000kbps if it's 60fps or 15fps. VBR would be a different story.

I'd test whether or not you're LOSING quality by recording at 60fps rather than 15-20 at the same bitrate. Higher the frame rate, the more compression per frame for a CBR encoding.