WiFi connection to BI and viewing remotely


Young grasshopper
Oct 23, 2014
So I wanted to setup BI on an extra machine to monitor my storage locker. So If I can connect the machine to my internet provider WiFi how can I get to BI? I dont have any access to their router so I can’t configure their router obviously. So do I have to get a service like NoIP?
It's not clear what exactly you're asking, but seems there is a 'storage locker' at a business' site and you want to setup a computer within that business' network which runs BI; without asking for their approval or knowledge.

Depending on the how the business (storage locker) has set up their network, you may not be able to connect to their network. Even if their setup is a bit lax, and you were able to connect get an IP address you would still need to get through their firewall to get to the internet.

If all of that would be possible, you would still need to use a VPN between the storage locker LAN and your home LAN. Also a DDNS service for your home router's IP to have a known connection point into your LAN. I would hope that you plan to set up a separate network or better yet VLAN to isolate the pseudo-secure remote location's access into the home network.


So is it possible, yes.
Is it likely, no.
Would it be legal, probably not.
Could it provide unauthorized access to you home network, depends.


I'd be upfront with the storage locker business and see how flexible they would be in authorizing you to do this. Even then, it would require some advanced/additional configuration at both locations and possibly new hardware within your home network.
No not doing anything with any business network. I was trying to use my account from my cable provider because they are broadcasting WiFi in that area.
You'd need the access password to the WiFi network.

Then you'd need some DDNS service like NoIP to find your host once connected.

Then you'd need to either set up VPN on your router/other host on your internal network or forward a port (not recommended) to the BI server.

Then you'd set up a VPN client on whatever access device or come through the forwarded port to the BI server.

Do you really need a full BI server and all just to monitor a storage locker? Though I don't like them a lot generally, seems like a simple cloud-based cam would do it and be easier/cheaper.
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[QUOTE="Mike A., post: 528482, member: 34858"

Do you really need a full BI server and all just to monitor a storage locker? Though I don't like them a lot generally, seems like a simple cloud-based cam would do it and be easier/cheaper.
True. What camera would you suggest? That would be cheaper.
I use the wyze cameras to monitor some locations where the camera can be stolen easy.
They work OK, but not great. The new V3 is a big step up! It is $25-30.
Put a SD card in it and you can connect and watch past video.
If you record continuous, make sure you use a card that can take repeated use.
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