Windows Admin Credentials Not accepted to run as service

Nope. No joy. This time, instead of "(1326)" at the end of the error dialogue it is now "(87)". Thanks for trying.
How about you change your windows password to a simple pin number and try logging in to turn on the service, if it works, then go back and change your pass to whatever you had. It may turn on the run as service and won't ask you to redo the credentials.
Did your new PW have special characters?
That was a temporary test and I didn't use any special characters, but the current password does have a few special characters, as did the previuos password I was using before the test.
SOLVED! Thanks to your help. I created simple pin as PW and I was able to enable the service. My original PW had a space. So I tried that with the simple pin. That was a no go. My original PW also had special characters. So I eliminated the space and tried again. Success. For some reason BI allows special characters but not a space. Again, Thanks for your help and sticking with it. However, a note to BI, their authentication process with Windows should allow whaterver characters Windows allows to avoid considerable consternation.
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I'm having the same problem with my new build. Changed to a local acct (with a PIN) and at least it starts to allow me to set as a service. Before that I couldn't get pass entering my password. Now after it wants you to reboot, I'm getting "The Blue Iris service failed to start (1069).

Don't know if this has anything to do with it, but after I reboot windows, it still logs in under my old pin. Just added a few mor digits for the change to local acct.