Wireless/ Remote Access Question


Oct 25, 2015

I am a novice at this, so please forgive my questions if they are rudimentary to some.

I have a Foscam 8910W cam...

I have google fiber

I have connected the cam to my network box and port forwarded to 8XXX

My Access:

1) When I am on my home wifi I can access the cam on my desktop, Ipad Air and Iphone 6 using the LAN address of 192.168.1.XX:8XXX

2) When I am on my sprint data on my work Ipad Air or Iphone 6, I can access the cam using the Router WAN 99.198.xxx.xxx:8XXX

3) When I am on my AT&T data on my personal Ipad Air, I can access the cam using the Router WAN 99.198.xxx.xxx:8XXX

4) When I get to work and am on my company's intranet on my laptop, I cannot access the cam using the Router WAN 99.198.xxx.xxx:8XXX

My Wife's Access:

1) When I tried to show my wife how to access the cam while on the home wifi using her Macbook or her IPhone 5- neither hardware was able to access the cam using either the LAN or the WAN address.

2) When I am on AT&T Data on my wife's iphone 5, I can access the cam using the Router WAN 99.198.xxx.xxx:8XXX

My Questions:

1) Why can I connect on my work Ipad and Iphone 6 and personal ipad when I am connected to the home wifi and use the LAN address, but my wife's Macbook and Iphone cannot?

2) Why can I connect on my Sprint and AT&T data plans using the WAN address (meaning it's available remotely) but I can't access it remotely using the same WAN address from my company's intranet?

Thanks for any help.
- John
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First of all, congratulations for living in one of the few areas with non-lame internet access!

Getting to your questions:

1) Did you enter the address/port number yourself on your wife's devices? How sure are you that there was not a typo? Is it possible your wife's devices are connected to the wrong network or to a guest network that has internet access only (no local access)?

2) Your company likely has strict firewall rules on the company internet, preventing access to uncommon port numbers as a crude and outdated way of preventing unauthorized network access. Try changing the public port (a.k.a. external port) in your forwarding rules. Use a common port number that is sure to be open, like 80 or 443. If you want to choose one that is slightly less predictable, you could try some from this list: http://brainmeta.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9800
1. The wife's macbook I would say is a plug-in issue assuming you are connected to the same network via wi-fi as the other devices that are working. Your wife's iphone i a puzzeler honestly and I would point to "one of these things is not like the other" meaning you have a setting off or if her iphone is work issued it could have security restrictions placed on it blocking certain ports, or forcing all data traffic through a portal/vpn also with said ports blocked.

2. This one is fairly common - your company has some or all the ports blocked that your camera broadcasts/requests data on.

*Edit - As I posted, BP post showed up as well - that's whats great about this community, so many willing to help quickly especially when details are provided which THANK YOU for asking such a detailed question with all supporting info. People get frustrated with no responses sometimes but that is almost always contributed to little to no details.
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First of all, congratulations for living in one of the few areas with non-lame internet access!

Getting to your questions:

1) Did you enter the address/port number yourself on your wife's devices? How sure are you that there was not a typo? Is it possible your wife's devices are connected to the wrong network or to a guest network that has internet access only (no local access)?

2) Your company likely has strict firewall rules on the company internet, preventing access to uncommon port numbers as a crude and outdated way of preventing unauthorized network access. Try changing the public port (a.k.a. external port) in your forwarding rules. Use a common port number that is sure to be open, like 80 or 443. If you want to choose one that is slightly less predictable, you could try some from this list: http://brainmeta.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9800

Thanks for the reply...

1) yes, I did enter the address/port number myself after she did :peaceful: and I checked it several times...we have a 5G network and a 2.4G network and everything was connected to the same one.

2) Ok, that sounds like that could be the problem. I have a verizon mifi spot and I can try that with the work laptop.
1. The wife's macbook I would say is a plug-in issue assuming you are connected to the same network via wi-fi as the other devices that are working. Your wife's iphone i a puzzeler honestly and I would point to "one of these things is not like the other" meaning you have a setting off or if her iphone is work issued it could have security restrictions placed on it blocking certain ports, or forcing all data traffic through a portal/vpn also with said ports blocked.

2. This one is fairly common - your company has some or all the ports blocked that your camera broadcasts/requests data on.

*Edit - As I posted, BP post showed up as well - that's whats great about this community, so many willing to help quickly especially when details are provided which THANK YOU for asking such a detailed question with all supporting info. People get frustrated with no responses sometimes but that is almost always contributed to little to no details.

Thanks for response.

1) Her iphone is not company issued, so likely a setting issue as you mentioned...was just curious if anyone else had this problem. I tried to access it using safari...may have her DL chrome on teh macbook to see if using a different browser will change anything.

2) Ok, I my check with IT to see if that is the case since I'm 2 for 2 on responses as that being a likely issue.
Thanks for response.

1) Her iphone is not company issued, so likely a setting issue as you mentioned...was just curious if anyone else had this problem. I tried to access it using safari...may have her DL chrome on teh macbook to see if using a different browser will change anything.

2) Ok, I my check with IT to see if that is the case since I'm 2 for 2 on responses as that being a likely issue.

1) If there is a plugin issue you would at least be able to load the login page for the cameras. Not being able to reach the camera at all suggests a typo, firewall, or network configuration problem.

2) Even if your IT deparment does not cooperate I'm sure you can make it work by listening on port 80 or 443 as I mentioned earlier. Those are the default ports for http and https, so to disable either of those would effectively "break the internet" for everyone behind the firewall.