Wish you were here!

17 feels pretty damn cold. but after our historically coldest period of the year ( coming up next few weeks) where we can have a high of 0°F-5°F and lows about -12-14°F or so.
then 17 feels like it has warmth to it. when it gets back to 30's in March your like, "Hey I can stop warming up the car" :)
cold is cold... I imagine that 27 degrees hardly makes a difference!
We've had extended cold snaps where it was -10 or colder for a week, and the lows were -25 to -30. When the weather finally broke and it was 10 above zero-- it felt WARM. :p :cool:
Yeah South and North Dakota can get colder than Minneapolis easily. When the Polar express dives in.
I've only actually seen a true -22 on a home thermometer one time in the Cities in like 96 or 97.
And a true airport reading of -17 at MSP in like 2018 or 19. which matched my Car thermometer.
People talk alotta smack about -40 and shit, they've have listening deficits.
they been dummified by all the Dewpoint and windchill charts the news throws out.
and you cant tell them different. JFC....
OH lawdy this one time we had 30 inches of snow and then it got down to -50F!!
Blow it out your ass lady.
It's times like that when the Weather men here point to Fairbanks and say it was a balmy 18 today in Alaska.
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Jan 27, 2022, 6:11 AM ... I seen the lowest temp in my life around here... had to take a picture of the dashboard while I was driving on ice :)

View attachment 211516

I image you're not impressed... :)
-2 is a bitch when your car is 1 football field from the time clock in a stiff wind. and as you and 40 others are walking out, some lady is saying Oh lawd the weatherman says it's -30 outside! ( fucking Windchill you stupid bitch)
Jumping a 71 pontiac 400 4BBL that's been sitting out at -2 for an 8 hour shift is a bitch. Thats when i lernt me about synthetic Earl.