BIT Beta Team
I'm doubtful that the view.memo.dat file contains actual database memos. You can confirm this if you open the file in a hex viewer, like HxD,hi all coming back to this thread with the different question/issue. I wonder if I can backup/save the alerts with memos? So here is the story, I have the system working flawlessly and creating the alerts with memos as i wanted. Then the system's DB grew to a point where it started to show warning and then to hefty 500,000 +. Mind that that got nothing to do with my alerts and memos and i readjusted the settings to not to let the DB grow that much, but I had to delete the DB. So I saved the 'view.memos.dat' file and then injected it in the DB folder after the regeneration was done. Of course I did not see the expected month-worth of memos. Is there a way to save memos if you are about to delete the DB? My setup is currently for a specific cameras to only create alert in DB and not even saving the image.
I've not studied this myself, or asked Ken, but I suspect that the view.memo.dat file probably contains the current list of db_records that have a memo. and is used to quickly display the memo filter view in the application's clips list. Likewise the for all the other view.x.dat files... To validate this theory, I just did an experiment where I executed a DB Compact/Reindex action, then watched the timestamp of every view.*.dat file update to the current time.
My understanding is that the only way to recover protected alerts with their memos is to set the Protect flag AND for the alert to also have a JPG file.
When an alert's memo is changed/updated, Blue Iris injects the memo text into the JPG's Exif metadata. You can verify this by inspecting the JPG's properties in File Explorer (right-click > Properties > Details tab > 'Title' field).
When an alert is protected, Blue Iris sets the read-only attribute of the JPG file.
Then, when the DB is regenerated:
- Every found read-only JPG file is used to recreate a DB protected Alert entry.
- The new entry's image is created from the read-only JPG.
- The new entry's memo is obtained by interrogating the Exif data in the read-only JPG ('Title' field).
- The new entry's flags, zones, etc. are obtained by interrogating the Exif data in the read-only JPG ('Comments' field).
You can check it out here bi_alert_protect.
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