Xprotect Smart Client takes too long to load.

Running client on my main PC and VMS box is running the server stuff.

Not sure why but the client takes literally minutes to load up. Works fine after that.

It gets stuck on "Running tasks for: Metadata Search Plugin, Access controls" but then it will eventually load after a few minutes.

Any ideas ?

I figured out how to fix this by debugging with wireshark and finding out which ports are being refused.

1. On the REMOTE SERVER that your Milestone Smart Client is trying to connect to, click the Windows start icon or press the Windows key on your keyboard (not the computer you are running the smart client on, but the actual SERVER)
2. Type in "advanced security" in the search box and click "Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security"
3. Normal click on "Inbound Rules" from the left hand panel
4. Right click on "Inbound Rules" from the left hand panel (must do step 3 otherwise you'll just see Refresh in the options)
5. Click "New Rule..."
6. Select Port and click Next >
7. Select "TCP" and in "Specific local ports" type in the following 2 ports: 22331,22337 and then click Next >
8. Select "Allow the connection"
9. Make sure all options are ticked/selected (Domain, Private, Public) and click Next >
10. Type in "Milestone Metadata Search Plugin and Access controls" as the names and click Finish
11. Your milestone should now load instantly and no longer hang on the Running tasks for: Metadata Search Plugin, Access controls step.

Note: If this doesn't work for you, try disabling your firewall on your server and see if it fixes the problem or allow all ports instead of selecting specific ports. If that works for you, then you know it's definitely the firewall causing issues however those 2 ports should be all that's required to fix it.

You can find out what those ports do by going to:

This table is copied from that link above:
22331 TCP Event Server service Alarms.
22337 TCP Log Server Server Logs (System, Audit, Rule-triggered)
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