YouTube Streaming problems


Young grasshopper
Jan 8, 2017
We have nstalled a Dahua IPC-HFW7842H-Z this week. They idea is to provide a public view to the beehive on the roof top. Picture looks very good and we have a spectacular view of the skyline.
Streaming has been configured per vendor's recommendations w/o any 3rd party encoding software.
The problem is that YouTube stream keeps going offline every few days or so.
When we log on to YouTube Studio, connection status is excellent but we get a blank preview. 2020-08-21_7-52-17.jpg
Camera stays online the whole time as we monitor it using SNMP tools. Onboard logs don't show anything meaningful.
The only workaround that we found is to re-save custom RTMP address in camera settings. Consequently we end up with a new stream and the links used for embedding in different sites break. Very frustrating.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Current stream:
Anyone has tried this?
Perhaps streaming directly from the camera to YouTube isn't reliable and we need to to deploy 3rd party software to make it work w/o glitches.
Anyone has tried this?
Perhaps streaming directly from the camera to YouTube isn't reliable and we need to to deploy 3rd party software to make it work w/o glitches.
one of the things to check is the upload speed you are getting from your internet supplier.. to stream in HD you need a good steady upload speed.. and when you set up your main stream you have to set your substream the same,
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One other thing i see is your stream key is variable. is it changing every few days,, mine says auto generated. aaa.PNG
one of the things to check is the upload speed you are getting from your internet supplier.. to stream in HD you need a good steady upload speed.. and when you set up your main stream you have to set your substream the same,
I don't believe bandwidth is an issue here. We have tried this steam on two different pipes, both with 175+/mbps symmetrical bandwidth.
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One other thing i see is your stream key is variable. is it changing every few days,, mine says auto generated. View attachment 69128

Good observation.
I do pay attention to it and when the steam breaks, the auto-generated key remains unchanged. I thought variable pertains to variable bit rate the stream can support.
Are you saying we should use a manually created stream key in this use case instead of the default one?
Interestingly, I do not see auto-generated key option.
If the stream key is not changing then that won't be the problem. i would imagine not anyway. when you set up the stream did you put a forward slash / after the stream url. com/live2/.................. then the stream key,
Correct. The steam URL has been entered as per Dahua's instructions and it works right away.
Ok next. what audio settings did you enter and did you enter the same audio settings in the subtream
Audio has been disabled (for privacy).
One thing that comes to mind is that last time the stream broke there was a momentary switch outage (1 min) because of the scheduled maintenance.
One would thunk streaming would have resumed after camera came back online, no?
one of the things to check is the upload speed you are getting from your internet supplier.. to stream in HD you need a good steady upload speed.. and when you set up your main stream you have to set your substream the same,
I'm not sure if I follow you about setting up the main and substream at the same time? It appears to me that you can only have one stream type (main substream or substream) set up at a time under RTMP tab in camera settings - radio button.
Hi sorry for the late reply been watching a old western jeremiah looneytunes says audio needs to be enabled and for some strange reason substream 2 also needs the same settings as main channel .. i will show some plcs copy where i have highlighted in red and don't forget to it save after each setting change and we will see if this works any better for you. one other thing to try in your dahua settings change the setting from 8mp to 1080p for now. hope this works for you,,rtmp settings.PNGrtmp settings 2.PNGrtmp settings o.PNGrtmp settings 3.PNG
Someone just said that when they access the stream they see footage that is few hours old? Not sure if this has to do with turning off NVR option or not.
As jon2 said we're going to set down resolution to 1080. Other than that, fom your experience, what are the best practice settings?
All in all, is this type of setup reliable so we don't have to babysit it daily? I'm looking to get this set up and forget it.
The vendor recommended 3rd party encoder: as an alternative.
One thing that comes to mind is that last time the stream broke there was a momentary switch outage (1 min) because of the scheduled maintenance.
One would thunk streaming would have resumed after camera came back online, no?
If the stream won't restart after a stream failure, you may need to find an auto restart method, perhaps a camera reboot. To see if a reboot will correct it, power off the camera, wait a minute, and power on. That will cause a reboot. If that works, you could try setting up a script to detect stream failure and execute a camera reboot using Dahua API.

Your stream has a 2hr timeline at the bottom which is a nice replay feature. That is probably why someone is seeing old video.

OBS is used quite a lot.

I watched your stream for awhile. Nice image. But it's hard to see any bees on the beecam. :) It would be great if you could zoom in/out on a schedule and see bees up close. But you may not be able to do it because you don't have a regular ptz camera. Here's a somewhat zoomed in clip with bees flying around. I digitally zoomed in your stream so quality is not good.
If the stream won't restart after a stream failure, you may need to find an auto restart method, perhaps a camera reboot. To see if a reboot will correct it, power off the camera, wait a minute, and power on. That will cause a reboot. If that works, you could try setting up a script to detect stream failure and execute a camera reboot using Dahua API.

Your stream has a 2hr timeline at the bottom which is a nice replay feature. That is probably why someone is seeing old video.

OBS is used quite a lot.

I watched your stream for awhile. Nice image. But it's hard to see any bees on the beecam. :) It would be great if you could zoom in/out on a schedule and see bees up close. But you may not be able to do it because you don't have a regular ptz camera. Here's a somewhat zoomed in clip with bees flying around. I digitally zoomed in your stream so quality is not good.

All good info.
Camera is very capable and it has zoom feature. The current shot has been consciously selected by the customer himself.
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