I have an odd problem with my SD49225T-HN: every couple of days the zoom stops working on it. A camera reboot always fixes it. What's especially odd is that it seems to happen more and more often.
When the zoom stops working all other PTZ functions work just fine.
I have the camera set to reboot every night at 4am in "auto maintain" but I don't think that's working. I haven't confirmed that though.
I am running an old firmware, but it's working so well otherwise so I wanted to confirm that it's not happening to other people with the new firmware.
Anyway, is this a known issue?
When the zoom stops working all other PTZ functions work just fine.
I have the camera set to reboot every night at 4am in "auto maintain" but I don't think that's working. I haven't confirmed that though.
I am running an old firmware, but it's working so well otherwise so I wanted to confirm that it's not happening to other people with the new firmware.
System Version2.622.0000000.7.R.R4.2510.9A.NR, Build Date: 2018-04-04
WEB Version3.2.1.563437
ONVIF Version16.12(V2.4.1.513183)
PTZ Version3.02.93.RHNZ_170518_22722
Anyway, is this a known issue?