ZWave Controller Question


Pulling my weight
May 8, 2015
Hey all,

I've been able to build everything without the use of cloud junk or ZWave, but lately I've been tinkering with ZWave and realize how stupid simple it is. So my question is if there's an "open" controller that I can shut off from cloud services and directly hit up via IP/web browser/HTTP/S. Vera is one that comes to mind but I know nothing about it. Does a Vera controller allow me to send HTTP commands to it or send from it without the use of a third party server (think NEST thermostat API--you still have to route everything to the cloud...ugh)

My garage door, for example, opens/closes on a $1 relay that goes to an RPi -- I'd want to keep using that setup but have Vera say, "HEY, RPi, GET http://aslkdjfaslkdfja/localphpscript.php".

I bought the Samsung smartthings hub to thinker with and it's....okay. It's exceptionally great for consumers who enjoy extremely easy setup, but I'd like a little more control locally, ya know?
Vera has lots of local control, and you can firewall it from the internet. My brother got one recently and actually put it on its own private network, accessible only via a dedicated machine so that it isn't vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) ... which a vera is otherwise highly susceptible to.

I haven't ever configured it to send HTTP commands, but it can certainly receive HTTP commands to do all basic device control. On/off/dimming is all I've had to do but it is all very easy. A little google searching will find tons of information on how to do this stuff with vera. I guess you can even write your own plugins for the vera if the desired functionality isn't already available.
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I am using Domoticz w/a Aeon Z-Stick.. you can run it on your RPi if you want.
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Open not quite, but the only game worth considering is an Universal Devices ISY-994 with zwave integrated. Large community, lot a programming posibilities, ifft integration capable, etc..
I have a VeraLite running UI5. I've done a small amount of integration with BI. I have scenes on Vera called Away, Stay, and Disarmed. One of several different things that happens when each of the scenes are run is having Vera run a Luup command to do a wget to the BI server to have BI switch to a profile that has motion alerts set appropriately for each camera for each scene.
I've also set Vera up to send an external trigger to a camera based on motion detected by a PIR I tied in via Zwave.
I have a VeraLite running UI5. I've done a small amount of integration with BI. I have scenes on Vera called Away, Stay, and Disarmed. One of several different things that happens when each of the scenes are run is having Vera run a Luup command to do a wget to the BI server to have BI switch to a profile that has motion alerts set appropriately for each camera for each scene.
I've also set Vera up to send an external trigger to a camera based on motion detected by a PIR I tied in via Zwave.

Perfect. I won't really be using it to integrate into BI, however you're doing exactly what I want to do from the wget side of the fence. Between you and bp2008 it sounds like the HTTP commands is a success.
Don't forget OpenHAB. It was my first HA system, and I have no plans on changing anytime soon. I have it running on a battery-backup'd raspberrypi, and I display BI cameras from the openHAB UI, along with use the BI camera events to trigger rules in OpenHAB.

I gave a stripped down config of OpenHAB to a friend and he got his HA up and running in one evening on a rpi. It took me many hours to figure out some very basic things, but if you have a good example to go off of, it is a very easy system to deploy and expand on.

The prebuilt hubs just appeared too limiting in comparison to the 50+ different bindings available in OpenHAB. I'm currently using 6 of them, z-wave being one. I think I passed 70 z-wave devices.
Vera has lots of local control, and you can firewall it from the internet. My brother got one recently and actually put it on its own private network, accessible only via a dedicated machine so that it isn't vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) ... which a vera is otherwise highly susceptible to.

I haven't ever configured it to send HTTP commands, but it can certainly receive HTTP commands to do all basic device control. On/off/dimming is all I've had to do but it is all very easy. A little google searching will find tons of information on how to do this stuff with vera. I guess you can even write your own plugins for the vera if the desired functionality isn't already available.

How's the BI integration with the vera, or other zwave devices, if any? I'd love to use wireless zwave motion sensors to trigger BI alerts and cameras.