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Hi Andy, living in the Netherlands as well and I am looking for a Dahua like camera with wifi. What wifi model can you propose? I need something with a 3.6mm lens or better.
Hey Andy, for some reason I cannot send you PM. I'd like to buy 2x black version IPC-HDW5442T-ZE-S3. Can you give me quote and shipping to Europe? Thanks.
Dear Andy, I am also interested in two "EmpireTech IPC-Color4K-T 8MP 1/1.2" CMOS Full-Color Fixed-Focal Warm LED Turret Security" with 2.8mm lenses. Would you be able to instruct me, as I do live in The Netherlands as well.
Did you find an issue with the newer firmware? I'd be interested to know, because I just discovered the newer firmware after you posted.

Also, hopefully, you were able to find the firmware with the URL adaptation method I was talking about.

I had updated one of my camera to V3.140.0000000.3.R.231121. That update offers some new features such as a fix with overexposed images with the white light illuminator.

I was experiencing problems with the recording on my NVR (DHI-NVR4204-P-4KS2/L also with latest firmware). When I watched the recordings from that camera, the image often got stuck on "Requesting the first frame video". Sometimes the screen would stay black and the sound would continue.

I use H265, smart codec, VBR, 6 (Best) quality.

Returning to the old firmware solved the problem immediately.... Thanks for the help to recover the previous firmware version.
Glad to hear the firmware rollback worked.

I am dealing with a distinctly different issue with the cameras, where images captured every 10 minutes are supposed to go to a NAS on LAN, bu some of these cameras just stop doing that. And, after their weekly reboot, the problem gets fixed and lasts about as long as it usually does.

Have you had any similar issue, or do you not capture images and offload via FTP?
I haven't tried it yet. So I also don't know if it's fixed in the new firmware..
Greetings, I have a LaView LV-N9508Q8E which I am contemplating upgrading to Hik. Are you still around of the flash goes bad? Thanks!
My camera was recording well last week Wednesday. The camera is motion detection enabled and where it is placed over looking at it kept on recording endlessly because the tv set of the recording. To stop this we applied privacy masking around the tv but since then the camera has stopped recording. we then removed the masking setting but the camera is still not recording. Can someone PLEASE help me with this
This is a profile post and is unlikely to get answers.
I suggest you re-post under the appropriate section, such as IP Cameras or NVRs, DVRs and Computers. Be sure to include make and model of camera, NVR, etc.
Hi Andy! I want to buy some cameras from you. Do you ship stuff to Sri Lanka? and have you before? Sending stuff here can be a bit challenging these days which is why I am asking.
Hi Andy.

I need at least 4 camera but I live in Europe. Does the the USA firmware affect something wrong in our area?
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Yes buddy

No problem, actually the fw also support local langauge.
You will want to use Andy's firmware that is international, not the USA firmware. The camera may not accept the USA firmware as well.
I’ve had an RCA HSDB2 doorbell for 3 years without issues BUT this spring, we lost wifi for 2 days. When it came back online, I noticed no notifications after 10am each day. It records any movement/motion at all times but doesn’t list it as an “event” in the video screen after 10am. I’ve tried the reset it along with disconnecting for about 10 mins but nothing seems to help. Can anyone help?
I have a old IPCC 9610 which is now frozen. I would like to purchase a higher rec camera which one is the best value
Hey Andy, I purchased 3 SD4A425DB-HNY PTZ cameras from you last month. one of them appears to have a defective iris. I cannot go above 24 on one of the cameras, which is causing an image that is too dark at night. The other 2 cameras adjust from 0 to 100 just fine. I would like to exchange this camera for another one. My order number is EM20231263. Let me know how we should proceed.
Не оплакивай смертный, вчерашних потерь, день сегодняшний, завтрашней меркой не мерь, ни было ни грядущей минуте не верь, верь минуте текущей.
hello everyone, I'm new on here and have been playing around with ip cameras and blue iris software. that said i have been able to do most of the research already and had hit dead ends everywhere.
I recently purchased 4 "WiFi Smart Camera" i discovered that they are Shenzhen icomm with ANYKA processor. i need to flash the firmware and gain access to the ONVIF and RTSP ports, however i can not access the camera webpage to change any of the settings. the camera makes you use the Yi IoT app to setup the device via a cloud system. im trying to disable the cloud and put the camera on blue iris via RTSP

here is the log file from the camera i disassembled to find the chipset info.

[2023/11/19 12:56:18][cloud_demo.c: sync_time(): 2242] yi_sync_time ok!
get net info:ip:, mask:, route:, dns1:, dns2:
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:1476 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1476 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:85689 (83.6 KiB) TX bytes:85689 (83.6 KiB)

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
inet Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:33 errors:0 dropped:2 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:19 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:6274 (6.1 KiB) TX bytes:2811 (2.7 KiB)

wlan0 IEEE 802.11abgn ESSID:[Not For Your Eyes]
Mode:Managed Frequency:5.785 GHz Access Point: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Bit Rate=30 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm
Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Encryption key:off
Power Management:off
Link Quality=70/70 Signal level=-27 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:3 Missed beacon:0

user = admin
secret = admin
dev_name = 小K互联网摄像机
soft_version = 2000
uid_name = danale.conf

dhcp = 1
ipaddr =
netmask =
gateway =
firstdns =
backdns =

ssid = [Not For Your Eyes]
mode = Infra
security = 3
password = [Not For Your Eyes]
running = softap

s_ssid =
s_password =

osd_name = AKWIPC0000000010
I upgrade my NVR608-64-4KS2 firmware to V4.002.0000000.2.R, Build Date: 2023-02-20
In the old firmware the P2P works perfectly fine but now isn't working even after i recheck the configuration of the network to dhcp and reboot the device multiple times, I try to use differents application of dahua like DMSS and gDMSS plus but nothing i get connection failed.
Any solutions ?
Hik Connect with default server is slow. Hi everyone, I recently purchased hikvison accusense NVR with 8 channnels. I have four IP cameras of different Chinese vendors. When I use hik connect, it takes more than 10 seconds to load the video. I am in "fluent" mode in the app. I believe the issue is because the server is loaded. I want to setup my own server in a computer I have at home. I am trying to use ivms 4200 lite but the "activate" button is greyed. Is that possible with lite? Any idea if I can set it up? I could use either Windows or Linux. Any guides out there?
If you want your own server which is equivalent to hik - connect . Thats an ISUP.

What you needis DeviceGateway app from hikvision which will install isup server. And then develop transmission protocol to suit your needs.

Easier way is just setting up a VPN to your home network and access cameras that way.