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Hey Andy, I purchased 3 SD4A425DB-HNY PTZ cameras from you last month. one of them appears to have a defective iris. I cannot go above 24 on one of the cameras, which is causing an image that is too dark at night. The other 2 cameras adjust from 0 to 100 just fine. I would like to exchange this camera for another one. My order number is EM20231263. Let me know how we should proceed.
Не оплакивай смертный, вчерашних потерь, день сегодняшний, завтрашней меркой не мерь, ни было ни грядущей минуте не верь, верь минуте текущей.
hello everyone, I'm new on here and have been playing around with ip cameras and blue iris software. that said i have been able to do most of the research already and had hit dead ends everywhere.
I recently purchased 4 "WiFi Smart Camera" i discovered that they are Shenzhen icomm with ANYKA processor. i need to flash the firmware and gain access to the ONVIF and RTSP ports, however i can not access the camera webpage to change any of the settings. the camera makes you use the Yi IoT app to setup the device via a cloud system. im trying to disable the cloud and put the camera on blue iris via RTSP

here is the log file from the camera i disassembled to find the chipset info.

[2023/11/19 12:56:18][cloud_demo.c: sync_time(): 2242] yi_sync_time ok!
get net info:ip:, mask:, route:, dns1:, dns2:
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:1476 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1476 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:85689 (83.6 KiB) TX bytes:85689 (83.6 KiB)

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
inet Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:33 errors:0 dropped:2 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:19 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:6274 (6.1 KiB) TX bytes:2811 (2.7 KiB)

wlan0 IEEE 802.11abgn ESSID:[Not For Your Eyes]
Mode:Managed Frequency:5.785 GHz Access Point: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Bit Rate=30 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm
Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Encryption key:off
Power Management:off
Link Quality=70/70 Signal level=-27 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:3 Missed beacon:0

user = admin
secret = admin
dev_name = 小K互联网摄像机
soft_version = 2000
uid_name = danale.conf

dhcp = 1
ipaddr =
netmask =
gateway =
firstdns =
backdns =

ssid = [Not For Your Eyes]
mode = Infra
security = 3
password = [Not For Your Eyes]
running = softap

s_ssid =
s_password =

osd_name = AKWIPC0000000010
I upgrade my NVR608-64-4KS2 firmware to V4.002.0000000.2.R, Build Date: 2023-02-20
In the old firmware the P2P works perfectly fine but now isn't working even after i recheck the configuration of the network to dhcp and reboot the device multiple times, I try to use differents application of dahua like DMSS and gDMSS plus but nothing i get connection failed.
Any solutions ?
Hik Connect with default server is slow. Hi everyone, I recently purchased hikvison accusense NVR with 8 channnels. I have four IP cameras of different Chinese vendors. When I use hik connect, it takes more than 10 seconds to load the video. I am in "fluent" mode in the app. I believe the issue is because the server is loaded. I want to setup my own server in a computer I have at home. I am trying to use ivms 4200 lite but the "activate" button is greyed. Is that possible with lite? Any idea if I can set it up? I could use either Windows or Linux. Any guides out there?
If you want your own server which is equivalent to hik - connect . Thats an ISUP.

What you needis DeviceGateway app from hikvision which will install isup server. And then develop transmission protocol to suit your needs.

Easier way is just setting up a VPN to your home network and access cameras that way.
Do you have updated instructions/documentation for this new feature: "
ePTZ now can select and playback on NVR now.
" AND "
Illuminator Plan Configuration
" AND "
AcuPick Algorithm Version Display
"??? Also, after firmware cam upgrade I am not seeing an option for ABR?

The video still under processing, need to wait some days, maybe next week we can release it.
hi, I need latest DAHUA http api doc. can u email to me?
Just ask your supplier to send you the file, what we have is for our own device using. And it's not opening for downloading or sending to anyone.
Hi Mate,
Could you give me the firmware for DH-SD49425XB-HNR camera so i could use auto track.
Best regards,
thank you
The firmware with autotrack won't work on the newer version.
Is the
"Outdoor 4MP Starlight 25X Optical Zoom IR PTZ Smart AI IP Camera PTZ494M-25X"
compatible with the Lorex N862 recorder?
Hi Andy, I need to replace a malfunctioning NVR model LV-N9808C8E that has 8 poe ports. It currently has 8 poe LV-PB932F4 bullet cameras. I'd like to keep most of the cams but maybe upgrade a couple to better low light cams. Can you recommend a NVR and better cams? Thanks.
I postmortempriester,
I saw you find the good wire to connect UART to W6. :goodpost:
In what order is the connection when looking from the edge. TX / RX / VCC / GND
I've try all possibility, and none works. :( here. I have a current residential camera system with 5 of these cameras - IP-5IRD4S34/28 and running the SuperLive Plus app on a local DVR. The cameras look great during the day, however at night they're pretty terrible. If we had an event, there would be no way I could recognize a license plate or even facial recognition with them. And the SuperLive app is even worse. When I turn on notifications, I get a dozen every minute from the wind blowing a tree slightly or a bug flying by. It's so bad I just turn them off and have resorted to using Wyze cameras to trigger actual alerts and if I need more detail I get into the SuperLive system. My questions for you:
  1. Recommendations on upgraded cameras I can install with the existing DVR?
  2. For the BlueIris app, can you adjust the motion sensitivity or select zones to trigger an alert to avoid all the unwanted alerts?

Thanks. We have an NVR (cat 6). What cameras would you recommend?
See this thread for the most commonly recommended cameras based on distance to IDENTIFY. They represent the best overall value in terms of price and performance day and night.

You would have to set the camera up specifically to read plates. You need the proper camera with OPTICAL zoom for the distance you are covering and the angle to get plates.

Regarding plates, keep in mind that this is a camera dedicated to plates and not an overview camera also. It is as much an art as it is a science. You will need two cameras. For LPR we need to OPTICALLY zoom in tight to make the plate as large as possible. For most of us, all you see is the not much more than a vehicle in the entire frame. Now maybe in the right location during the day it might be able to see some other things, but not at night.

At night, we have to run a very fast shutter speed (1/2,000) and in B/W with IR and the image will be black. All you will see are head/tail lights and the plate. Some people can get away with color if they have enough street lights, but most of us cannot.

See the LPR subforum for more details.
If 3rd party NVR i don't recommend to use with our cams if you are not tech savy.
Use BI or just use one of our NVR.
New System Set Up
Newbie here. I have set up a few webcams at our local small airport so I have some (very little) experience. We are building a new terminal building at the airport and the manager asked me to set up a new security camera system with 7 – 8 cameras. Looking at Amcrest, Lorex, or Dahua system with a DVR/NVR. POE and Open Source are required and I will use Blue Iris.

One question I can’t find an answer to is do I need a DVR/NVR or can I just dedicate a computer as a server?

I would appreciate any comments and or gottcha’s in setting up a system like this.

Thank in advance to any and all who respond.

Blue Iris on your computer is fine. I have 32 cameras at our facility
Just use a good computer and play with settings to keep the CPU from running high. I use a RAID backup with 3 -16 TB security drives
Hello Andy. Do you sell analog/HDCVI Dahua cameras by any chance? I know this is a very old tech and most people now buy IP, but I cannot afford to replace all the wiring in the large building I'm planning on replacing cameras.
hello I just bought used Dahua DH-SD49425XB-HNR, WEB VersionV3.2.1.1283440.P9 Version ONVIF21.12(V3.1.0.1207744) V2.401.0000000.64.RHNZ_200219_34642 Secure basic versionV2.2

I can't get the camera to follow him. I think this is the wrong firmware, can you help me? thank you in advance for your help and support

autotracking doesn't work for me