Dahua IPC-Color4K-T-2.8mm

Michael Garrett

Young grasshopper
Dec 20, 2018
Reaction score
Boise, Idaho
Is it possible to use the illuminator feature in the camera settings as a trigger? For example, can the camera trigger the illumination on and off based on its own trigger? For that matter, can this be done on any of the other Dahua cameras with this feature?


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
Reaction score
No it cannot. Since there is no infrared capabilities, the camera would basically be blind at night, so it wouldn't be able to see in order to then trigger the illuminator.

Also keep in mind that this camera is designed for performance, and rapidly changing light conditions means you potentially miss the clean capture of the perp. You are looking for an active deterrence camera that places preference on deterrence than image quality.

Further, motion activated lights are not a deterrent. There are enough videos here showing that perps do not flinch when a floodlight turns on. They avoid homes all lit up, so go with floodlights on all night.

Watch this video someone posted and how the floodlight comes on and they don't even flinch. But then the audio comes on and they don't know which way to run LOL.

Either keep the lights on all night or not at all to ensure the best chance of capture.

Here is usually what happens when a motion activated floodlight comes on - it just about completely blinds the camera right at the moment of optimal opportunity to get the picture. There are 3 deer in this picture and two of them are lost in the blinded white while the camera's exposure adjusts to the rapid change in available light:


Or this example that completely missed the perp:

Now there is a way to fake it using BI with this camera, but it has a lag delay and isn't really useful.

If you still want that kind of function, you need an active deterrence camera. But I will warn you that active deterrence is kind a gimmicky, especially the TIOC with the blue and red lights.

If you want active deterrence, your best bet is to go with the 2MP IPC-T5241H-AS-PV that will blink the white light (or you can leave it on all night or just come on solid with motion - a lot of options). This is on the ideal MP/sensor ratio and will perform comparably to any similar 2MP fixed lens camera by Dahua. I have two of them. I have some of the other active deterrence cams as well, and would opt for the 2MP in every instance except for indoor, one could go with the IPC-HDW3449HP-AS-PV that has the red/blue lights that will bounce off the walls and be much more impressive than outside. Outside the red/blue light is more gimmicky than anything else. Nobody will see it unless they are looking at the camera. And the distance isn't very far due to not being an ideal MP/sensor ratio.

Stay away from the IPC-HDW3849H-AS-PV as it has been well documented here how horrible that one is.

You can make it siren or say "You are under surveillance" or add your own audio.

The video quality at night is comparable to any similar camera on same sensor and lens size. The biggest problem is people buy this camera expecting to IDENTIFY at 60 feet and no 2.8mm or 3.6mm will do that. But if you are under 15 feet it will be ok.

I will warn you the lights are piddly and will only be seen in complete darkness or if the perp looks directly at it.


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
Reaction score
If you have some background light permanently on then you shouldn't experience the issue seen above with the floodlight. But you do need a background light both to enable the camera to see the object so it can trigger and to prevent a momentary white out. I have a 5w led covering my driveway and it's sufficient to eable the camera to see and avoid the temporary white out issue.