US Elections (& Politics) :)


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Sep 5, 2016
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Obama-Nominated Judge In Trump Case Is 'Toughest Punisher' Of J6 Rioters
Obama-Nominated Judge In Trump Case Is 'Toughest Punisher' Of J6 Rioters | ZeroHedge

The judge slated to oversee former President Donald Trump's latest criminal case was once called the "toughest punisher" of Jan. 6 rioters and formerly represented fraudulent Democrat-run blood-testing company Theranos while working at a firm associated with the first son, Hunter Biden, according to the NY Post.

In short, Trump couldn't have gotten a worse pick than DC federal Judge Tanya Chutkan.

"Chutkan has handed out tougher sentences than the [Justice Department] was seeking in seven cases, matched its requests in four others and sent all 11 riot defendants who have come before her behind bars," AP wrote of her last year.

"In the four cases in which prosecutors did not seek jail time, Chutkan gave terms ranging from 14 days to 45 days."

In one such case, Chutkan jailed - despite prosecutors never asking her to do so - "an Ohio couple [who] climbed through a broken window of the U.S. Capitol and livestreamed a video of themselves inside[, a] Texas mortgage broker [who] posed for a selfie in front of rioters breaching the building [and an] Indiana hair salon owner celebrated on Facebook a day after she joined the pro-Donald Trump mob," according to AP.

The 61-year-old judge was nominated by President Barack Obama and was technically confirmed by the Senate without opposition after a more contentious 54-40 cloture vote.
Chutkan was born in Jamaica and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania’s law school. She is married to former DC Superior Court Judge Peter Krauthamer.
Her resume includes a previous job likely to attract significant attention from Trump allies. She worked at the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner from 2002 until she was confirmed as a federal judge in 2014, according to a biography she submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee. -NY Post
Boies Schiller is known as a Democrat law firm, and notably had Hunter Biden as 'of counsel' at the firm from 2009 to 2014, according to OpenSecrets. Among her high profile cases while working there were Theranos, the blood-testing scam company run by Elizabeth Holmes. Chutkan helped Theranos sue a business enemy who allegedly shared "confidential and proprietary" information


Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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Vivek now has climbed to number 2 spot in polls.

De santis is vague on his policies and flip flops based on what his donars say. He was a good governor but when you go national level, you need the super pac donars and you have to make your policies based on that. So he is already compromised.

Vivek on the other hand is not yet a billionaire but has billion dollar companies. He has no super pac donars and is just grass roots, average joe donations. He himself said he has thus far put $15 million of his own money about a month back and he intends to pump in more of his money to his campaign till he gets to the white house.

Vivek has also filed lawsuit against the US DOJ on Trump indictment and that costs money.

He has never shyed away from saying he voted for trump in 2020 and that Trump was a great President.

All other candidate's are snakes.

Its either Trump or Vivek for the President. If I was Biden puppet master I would drop charges on Trump and would repeat the 2020 rigging, rather then try competiting against Vivek who will also go after the swamp and in all likely hood win by a huge margin.

But a Trump and Vivek VP also would work but they can still rigg the election. But the support will be higher with this combo then with any other VP pick within the Republican side.

Trump, Vivek and RFK have all praised each other, so that gives a clue that it won't be De Santis for the VP.
Last edited:
Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
In normal times I would agree 1000% as would I believe an overwhelming percentage of Americans.

That said, the brain dead liberals and Swamp creatures have pushed this so far into the realm of the absurd that I believe we now more than ever need someone who is NOT politically correct, who will shout FUCK YOU at the top of his lungs and force their hand. We are at a turning point in America the likes of which havent been seen since 1861. The future, if there is one for normal Americans, hangs in the balance and I'm of the mindset of, "Lets Do this" one way or another. We are past the pont of voting our way out of this. The game is rigged. Going into it with ANY kind of "compromise" or offering of olive branches is a fools errand.

Fuck your feelings, Fuck political correctness, Fuck "diversity and inclusiveness", Fuck you bottom dwelling "progressive Democrats liberal" leeches that live for free handouts, Fuck you pathetic sheep that will go knowingly to the gallows in return for bread and circuses. We need a leader who, with warts and all, is willing to say FUCK OFF, Keep Fucking Off, and when you're done, Fuck Off some more.

Bigredfish, I can't disagree with you at all. But I don't think I have ever heard Gov Desantis apologize for anything and though he isn't quite as rough or brash as Pres. Trump is, I do not think he is politically correct as well. Regardless, I do agree that we need a strong person to lead us back to what we once was. But I am afraid that even if we cloned some or our greatest leaders and put them back in, I don't think it will be enough as we have certainly gone off the deep end. IMO.

At this point, I don't know what it will take. Maybe a split in the country, make us two countries, one liberal and one conservative. I just don't know. Honestly, I never thought that I would see all of this 'child grooming' going on and so many OK with it. The 'men can have babies and breast feed', and it goes on and on and on.....a satanic statue in a Gov Building, FBLie, ALL OF THE 3 LETTER AGENCIES, and on and on.

I just feel something drastic will need to be done. One thing that I do completely agree with: Liberalism is a disease. I have no doubt about that.

Best saying: 'is willing to say FUCK OFF, Keep Fucking Off, and when you're done, Fuck Off some more.' :thumb:


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Vivek now has climbed to number 2 spot in polls.

De santis is vague on his policies and flip flops based on what his donars say. He was a good governor but when you go national level, you need the super pac donars and you have to make your policies based on that. So he is already compromised.

Vivek on the other hand is not yet a billionaire but has billion dollar companies. He has no super pac donars and is just grass roots, average joe donations. He himself said he has thus far put $15 million of his own money about a month back and he intends to pump in more of his money to his campaign till he gets to the white house.

Vivek has also filed lawsuit against the US DOJ on Trump indictment and that costs money.

He has never shyed away from saying he voted for trump in 2020 and that Trump was a great President.

All other candidate's are snakes.

Its either Trump or Vivek for the President. If I was Biden puppet master I would drop charges on Trump and would repeat the 2020 rigging, rather then try competiting against Vivek who will also go after the swamp and in all likely hood win by a huge margin.

But a Trump and Vivek VP also would work but they can still rigg the election. But the support will be higher with this combo then with any other VP pick within the Republican side.

Trump, Vivek and RFK have all praised each other, so that gives a clue that it won't be De Santis for the VP.

I dont know enough about Vivek, but I wouldnt mind seeing Desantis stay in Florida, he's been a breath of fresh air here.

The betting money right now is on DeSantis vs Newsom
Last edited:
Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
'I think the Swamp will succeed in making it impossible for Trump to run one way or another. ' This is exactly the issue.

It is still early. I don't know shit about Vivek, but I will. I do know that Chris Christie and Pence can suck it. I am not apposed to anyone...male, female, black, white, polk-a-dot, 1 leg, 3 legs, IDC AS LONG AS THEY CAN DO THE JOB. And at this point of it, IMO, the list is really slim about now......


Getting comfortable
Feb 25, 2022
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I'd like to see Senator Scott win it all, but unfortunately there won't be one democrat vote for him due to them thinking he's a uncle Tom for daring to think for himself.
That's the thing republicans REALLY need to realize. Democrats are only going to vote for democrats, while republicans vote for a republican, independent, their neighbor, etc...


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Trump Subpoenas Unaired Tucker Interview with Ex Capitol Police Chief.

Former President Donald Trump has subpoenaed Fox News in an effort to attain an unaired interview with former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund. The interview was originally intended to air as part of then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s investigation into Jan 6 and the more than 40,000 hours of footage he was granted access to. The National Pulse yesterday released parts of the interview, with further clips due on Thursday afternoon.

One item of particular interest to Donald Trump’s legal team is comments that Sund may have made to Carlson regarding the presence of federal agents in the crowd on Jan 6. In an interview with English comedian Russell Brand, Carlson stated that Sund believed federal agents were among the crowds protesting the 2020 Presidential election result:

Trump Subpoenas Unaired Tucker Interview with Ex Capitol Police Chief. (

My comment: Looks like Tucker gave Trump the heads up about the interview with U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
EXC: Chief Capitol Cop Told Tucker ‘It’s Not Crazy’ to Wonder About Ray Epps in Hidden Fox Interview.

Former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steve Sund told former Fox News host Tucker Carlson that he was not “crazy” to question the behavior of individuals present in the January 6th crowd, one of whom in particular – Ray Epps – had bragged to his friends that he “orchestrated” the entire thing, before the Democrat-run Jan 6 Committee thanked him for participating in their charade. In never-before-seen footage published exclusively by The National Pulse, Carlson asks Sund as about Epps, though without using the Arizona man’s name:

TUCKER: “So let’s go back to the role of, you said nine out of the 18 agencies in the so-called intelligence community are military, Pentagon supervised… military intel. Would they have been gathering, it sounds like they were gathering information about January 6th before it happened?”

SUND: “Well, again, for Milley and Miller, to be that concerned about, uh, about January 6th in advance, they had to be getting the intelligence from somewhere. I mean, talk about locking down Washington, D.C.? That’s a huge undertaking. Um, and again, to never, never notify me. But when you begin to sit there and wonder about…”

EXC: Chief Capitol Cop Told Tucker 'It's Not Crazy' to Wonder About Ray Epps in Hidden Fox Interview. (