Another wheel theft


Getting the hang of it
Jun 8, 2014
Local wheel theft again (not my footage). They spray painted the camera with red paint at the beginning like in the movies but you can still see after. Look like hikvision bullets when they showed them on the news, osd font looks the same too. Wonder if they make some sort of driveway alarm.
Driveway alarms are cheap. If my paperboy didn't deliver at a little after 5am some days I'd have one. I've been tempted to hook something into Blue Iris and have it alarm or send a notification from, say, 11pm to 5am. Probably wouldn't take TOO many deer false alarms at 3am to convince me to change it unless there was a good chance it was thieves.
Driveway alarms are cheap. If my paperboy didn't deliver at a little after 5am some days I'd have one. I've been tempted to hook something into Blue Iris and have it alarm or send a notification from, say, 11pm to 5am. Probably wouldn't take TOO many deer false alarms at 3am to convince me to change it unless there was a good chance it was thieves.

Could you give an example/link of such an alarm ?
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I like the base on a timer idea. Saves getting a fancy alarm. Simple and effective.
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About two months ago a local neighbor had all four of his tires/rims stolen from his brand new pickup. Trash bag(s) were at least kind enough to leave the truck sitting on concrete blocks in the driveway for all tosee. Poor guy was a retired vet with limited income.

Following the incident two other trucks got hit. This really got me concerned since I also own a truck with nice rims and didn’t yet have a dedicated camera covering the driveway.

As luck would have it one of my other cameras detected a vehicle pulling up behind my truck at 2:30 AM within the same time period. Video wasn’t good enough because of the cameras angle and distance, but Blue Iris alerted me to the activity none the less. I was awake at the time and immediately turned on some house lights. The occupant(s) of said vehicle must have seen the lights go on and quickly left the scene.

Long story short, I got lucky. I purchased/installed a dedicated camera above the driveway, but also realized the importance of adding a motion sensor as well.

Those driveway motion detectors are great, but you need to make sure to limit the area to cover the driveway only and not the sidewalk, etc. I accomplished this by mounting the detector above the garage door and angle it downward to sweep the driveway between both vehicles. It works great. I also placed the wireless receiver inside my bedroom and mounted it above the bedroom door frame. This height helps ensure a good signal is maintained with the detector. The alarm on the receiver is quite loud, but very effective atwaking up the dead. This is the model I use and it’s been great.


Just be sure to keep a tablet/phone nearby with BI installed. This is a real luxury and keeps you from going ballistic and looking for your pants, mace, stun gun, air horn, etc. LOL

The only issue I have is with cats walking on my driveway, but I can live with those occasional alarms and have better peace of mind if anyone even attempts sneaking up and trying to cover/paint over my camera.

Speaking of which…

Has anyone ever tested doing this to a camera being monitored by Blue Iris? Will painting the lens/dome be enough to cause BI to send an alarm event?

Most of us are probably plagued by bugs flying close to cameras and triggering alarms. This activity tends to cause us not to view every alarm event. Trust me when I say you won’t even second guess a camera alert if it is also followed by a motion detector alarm.

I should also point out that I use other motion detectors as well. All have been very effective, but you should use something different then those driveway alerts. Their area of coverage is too wide and can be triggered all too easily by trees blowing in the wind, etc. For more pin-point monitoring I use these.

False alarms are minimal when positioned high enough (about3-4 feet) to avoid animals from triggering them. Placing a few of these inside your backyard and placing the receiver inside your bedroom is also quite instrumental and effective along with some camera coverage and BI.

Be aware and be safe.

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As luck would have it one of my other cameras detected a vehicle pulling up behind my truck at 2:30 AM within the same time period. Video wasn’t good enough because of the cameras angle and distance, but Blue Iris alerted me to the activity none the less. I was awake at the time and immediately turned on some house lights. The occupant(s) of said vehicle must have seen the lights go on and quickly left the scene.

Long story short, I got lucky. I purchased/installed a dedicated camera above the driveway, but also realized the importance of adding a motion sensor as well.

Those driveway motion detectors are great, but you need to make sure to limit the area to cover the driveway only and not the sidewalk, etc. I accomplished this by mounting the detector above the garage door and angle it downward to sweep the driveway between both vehicles. It works great. I also placed the wireless receiver inside my bedroom and mounted it above the bedroom door frame. This height helps ensure a good signal is maintained with the detector. The alarm on the receiver is quite loud, but very effective atwaking up the dead. This is the model I use and it’s been great.

Just be sure to keep a tablet/phone nearby with BI installed. This is a real luxury and keeps you from going ballistic and looking for your pants, mace, stun gun, air horn, etc. LOL

The only issue I have is with cats walking on my driveway, but I can live with those occasional alarms and have better peace of mind if anyone even attempts sneaking up and trying to cover/paint over my camera.

An outdoor motion sensor that can turn on a light or two inside works well. There are some different options here including dedicated zwave/insteon motion detectors, or even hardwired. I think it works best when the motion sensor turns on an outside light immediately but then there's a short delay (fixed or random) before the inside light turns on that way it seems more like a person did it. You could even trigger a chain of actions to simulate your movement through the house. Outdoor dual tech motion sensors that combine pir and microwave will be the most accurate, you can hardwire to zwave modules, alarm panels, ha panels like this: this has adjustable pet immunity too.

A hardwired floodlight will put out a lot more light.

I've got a microwave motion sensor in my car rigged up to flash the lights but not honk when somebody gets too close, it's fun to see people up to no good run away from my car. Last shit head didn't get in, but still did some damage. I haven't built it out yet, but I'm planning to adjust the sensitivity based on the location of the car. If they get a little closer or trigger the shock or glass sensor then the siren with it's own battery is triggered. I also have it rigged so I can press a button to briefly power the microwave motion while driving to trigger radar detectors in nearby cars that are driving aggressively.

Regarding alarms from cameras / blueiris, different types of events arguably warrant different actions. The camera blocked / scene change is more serious than motion/line cross. I haven't messed with BI in a long time, not sure of it's capabilities. What models of camera are you running? If BI can't do what you want there could be some options built into the cameras.

A camera set up for license plate capture could be useful.
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I have 3 cameras at the garage parking area specifically to cover the cars. They are close enough for face recognition. I also have 3 Husiun 10X license plate cameras. I live on a corner of a 4 way intersection and I want things covered. Two of the three cars are alarmed and my Tahoe is very sensitive to movement. My flood light is on low all the time from dusk to dawn and if it sees movement it goes on full bright.
Outdoor dual tech motion sensors that combine pir and microwave will be the most accurate, you can hardwire to zwave modules, alarm panels, ha panels like this: this has adjustable pet immunity too.

That looks really sweat. Would love having three of those covering my North/South/East walls. Problem however is budget and not (personally) possessing the technical know how on doing it. Also looks like it needs to be hardwired and tied into a panel, etc. Do you think most folks could easily afford/install something like this? It sure would be nice.

A hardwired floodlight will put out a lot more light.
I couldn't agree with you more. My battery operated version is just temp until I can afford hiring an electrician to run power and hardwire it.

What models of camera are you running?.
Right now I'm still using two 4 channel Zmodo 720p systems and two dedicated GW Security cams. Nothing worth bragging about, but they are pretty darn effective none the less.

That looks really sweat. Would love having three of those covering my North/South/East walls. Problem however is budget and not (personally) possessing the technical know how on doing it. Also looks like it needs to be hardwired and tied into a panel, etc. Do you think most folks could easily afford/install something like this? It sure would be nice.
It's not that hard to install things like this, but they are pricey. Especially if you want multiple. To use a wired sensor like this to trigger lights, you could use something like this with a wired motion sensor and SmartThings 2 automation hub. You could also simply use less expensive zwave wireless sensors, but you'd have less adjust-ability. One of the motion detectors @nayr uses is an Optex request to exit model, he has them tucked up by his soffit. Take a look around the home automation sub forum.

You could also buy cameras with alarm I/O and hook sensors into the input, you can't power the sensor from the camera though.
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You know...

The more I watch that video the more I got to believe BI would alarm just by detecting all that spray paint mist. Really seems to show the importance of having a mobile alert (or something equivalent) turned on and using a sound much different then that assigned to the rest.

I myself normally assign the common door bell to all front yard cams and that high pitched sound for the backyard. Options are terribly limited here unless someone knows how to get custom wave files working on a iOS mobile device.

Almost forgot... For anyone using BI... It's a real good idea to make sure Watchdog is setup for your mobile as well. Lord forbid your cams get yanked or snipped by scum bags like this.

It was one of those nights…

I simply couldn’t fall asleep until around 4:30 AM. Finally got my fat ass focused inside the Twilight Zone and then (at 5:04 AM) “BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! <---- Driveway motion alert. Loud as %$#@.


I couldn’t open my eyes. The bags under them were to heavy. Within seconds my mobile device is screaming like a banshee in heat from a Blue Iris alert.

So here I am…

I really don’t have words to describe the drama that unfolded, but I’ll try…

I felt as if I was a Vampire in deep sleep and then all of a sudden woke up paralyzed as if Buffy the Vampire Slayer nailed me with a wooden stake.

I threw my arms outwards in what seemed like a futile attempt at gaining some form of control. All I could think about was grabbing my iPad and checking Blue Iris video. Easier said than done.

It was dark as the abyss inside the room and in my efforts I ended up dropping the iPad on the floor while fumbling with it on the Nightstand. Thank God we invented carpet and I had some.

The above event made me recall the wisdom spoken by a fellow member…

Below is a quote from @Q2U from another thread. Just imagine for a moment if my iPad would have been a weapon. Absorb his words of wisdom, they were wisely spoken.

Revolvers are the most dependable firearms, no doubt. H O W E V E R. There exists many a fantasy about how one believes one is going to perform roaming around a dark house filled with a bad guy or two. Hollywood has instilled a high noon drop 'em where they stand fiction in the average American male...when the reality it most men will end up will wetting their pants and shooting their dog. If confronted with this scenario, is much better I M O to rack the 12 gauge and blow a hole in the ceiling where you stand causing said bad guys to wet their pants and beat a hasty yet determined retreat out of the house into the night from whenst they came. And never to return. A 24 inch hole in the ceiling is a lot easier to deal with than shooting your dog or killing a BG (because unless your a heartless zombie bastid, killing even a BG is going to Karma you out tough guy)...bonus: you and the Mrs. won't have to scrub BG brains and blood off the ceiling, walls and buy new rugs. One is not half as tough nor is one as calm and cool as one thinks one will be until one has been confronted with being shot at...and shot in dozens different events. Think of this as CSI, but with bullets flying instead of "enhancement." Just make certain that when you blow that hole in your ceiling your kid isn't sleeping in the room above where you stand. Opps.

My recorded video “partially” explained the event. It was my next door neighbor. Seems his dog really needed to take a shit or something at 5:00 AM (that’s why I prefer cats). I never saw him this early on past video.

Stupid dog must have become hypnotized when he saw my trucks BIG and BEAUTIFULL steel belted rubber. You know how dogs are. They need to plant that nose into everything.

I just wish my camera would have triggered a bit sooner to capture it. All it captured was them walking away.

As noted before (in a prior post), my driveway motion alert is angled to avoid sidewalk activity. So I can only surmise a little tail wag, etc., on my driveway.

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