Dahua system questions


Getting the hang of it
Oct 24, 2014
Thinking about getting the Dahua 4216 with a Netgear N4100-10-POE switch. Also a purple 4TB hard drive. Start with one or two cams and gradually expand. This is for home use but I travel a lot.

Are the aliexpres dahua cams genuine Dahua? I just need to change the language?

Is there somewhere I can try out the web interface for the NVR? I need to be able to access with a .gov computer and can't install addons. Also would like to try the android interface.

Can I fully control a PTZ dome through the NVR?

what is involved with using other brand cameras? I'd like to replace my peep hole on my front door with a cam.

I have been searching on here and other forums, hopefully my questions aren't previously covered somewhere I missed.
Aliexpress cameras should advertise there a Dahua distributer, some show some paperwork... they likely wont be labeled, unbranded OEM versions but they are legit.. unless price seems too good to be true.

If you request it they should send your camera in English.

A Dahua PTZ Dome, Yes.. I believe can plug a RS485 PTZ Joystick into the NVR aswell... others, mabe.. pelco/acti probably, foscam definitely not.

No idea about other brand cameras, Id suggest trying to stick w/all Dahua cams for best compatibility and least amount of surprises.

Check out: http://www.networkcameracritic.com/?p=962 for screenshots and more details.
solid copper cat6 would be my recommendation, PoE will appreciate the heavier gauge wire..
Dahua nvr-4216

Netgear prosafe 8 channel Poe switch (will get another when I get more than 8 cams)

4TB purple

1x4 hdmi splitter

1000ft cat6/connectors/crimper

hdmi in wall cable

hdmi/cat6 wall plates

i plan on putting the nvr with my cable modem and putting the switch in the attic. The hdmi splitter will run to my living room tv and through the wall to bedroom tv.

I am am going to start with ipc-hdw4300c or the ipc-hdw4300s, and get the rest of the cams from Ali later on.

am I missing anything?
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I may have to rethink the setup. With only one Ethernet port on the nvr, does it have to go to the Poe switch? Or can I just plug it into my wifi router and use the other empty port on the wifi router to run up to the attic Poe switch?

or should I just put more cat6 ports in the wall and connect the wifi router and the nvr to the switch separately?
the NVR does not need to be plugged into the PoE switch, but it does need to be on the network somewhere..
Got my network switch today. Logged in and changed the password. Do I need to change any of the settings for it to work seamlessly? I have cable internet and don't know if I have static IP or dynamic. I want to be able to use the Dahua app on my android for my cams and also from outside computers.

also I would like to be able to use the web interface from a government computer. I tried to connect to my switch from work by typing in the http://ipaddress for my switch but it didn't work. What am I doing wrong?
In the dahua NVR, you enter your DDNS info. Goto quickddns.com and register your email. Than in the nvr, enable quickddns, click on custom name, enter your domain that you want, enter your email address, and ddns is done. Than, in your router, you need to port forward the http port and tcp port of the NVR. Change the http port from 80 to something like 8000. To remotely view your cameras at work, see if you can download Smart PSS from the Dahua website. The software won't make you install any add ons of plug in, but you would have to download and install it so you probably will
have to speak to IT.

you will have to install a browser plugin to view the stream on that government computer; in my experience with governmental IT this is not likely going to happen.. Even if they do they typically proxy web connections and block most everything else, so getting it to work will be a challenge in evading there restrictions at best.. also expect no privacy as they could easily watch your cameras too with the data they gather.

You have to either 1. Setup a VPN Tunnel (RECOMMENDED) or 2. forward ports on your router to your NVR and use an external IP/Hostname when accessing from outside. 3. Run a web server that captures and proxies your video streams into a sort of webcam page, ive got one that displays jpg's at .5fps for use on networks that allow nothing but web access (ports 80/443).

A DynamicDNS service lets you set a host name (usually a subdomain) to your home IP and it updates your IP automatically any time it changes, so you can always find your way home.. the NVR has one built in, your router might also have some better DynDNS capabilities..

You also need to configure your sub-stream quality so it does not exceed your internet upload speeds, unless you have very fast upload speeds it is unlikely you will be able to view more than 1 stream at a time over the internet.

Someone posted a few days ago how to get VLC to stream video to a webbrowser w/out a plugin, but I dont think it worked for Internet Explorer.
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Awesome! I will try all of that.

I got the NVR today in the mail, hooked it up to my TV via HDMI and there is no display. I don't have any cameras yet, but I thought I could use the display to navigate the menus with the included mouse and change settings and what not. Am I wrong? Does it only display cam video? What is the mouse for?

I logged into the NVR with my computer and can't find any settings to turn on the HDMI port if there is such a setting. HELP!

You should be able to see the NVR on the display even with no cams..
1) login to the nvr and make sure the output matches your tv...1080p, 720....
2) How long is your hdmi cable to the tv? I have found that some devices have a weak output compared to laptops and pc's.... so if the cable is very long 25f+ you many have an issue. Test with a shorter cable.
You won't find any hdmi settings in the web browser cause there aren't any. You have to plug the NVR into a different monitor or use a vga and a computer monitor. Once you see the menu, you can adjust the display settings accordinhly.
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Thanks vector...Some NVR's do allow you to adjust the output via the web interface...The dauha seems not to...
I am a network dummy. I guess I don't "need" to view on .gov computer, although it would be nice.

Is there a step by step somewhere on what I need to do to set it up so I can remotely view on the dahua app on my phone, and also just being able to remote view from a regular computer somewhere else?

What does that quickddns website do for me? and can I use my standard yahoo email address? Is that how I set it up to email me screenshots of the videos when the motion detection is on?
Also, do I set up the DDNS service ONLY on my NVR? Or do I set it up on my wifi router that is connected to the internets? or both?

Also how secure is this setup? Do I need to buy a firewall or somehow turn on the HTTPS instead of HTTP? Sorry for all the questions, I don't know much about networks at all but I'm learning.

Thanks for the informed answers!
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Something basic, quick and easy to do is to go to quickddns.com and register email. In the NVR ddns settings, enable quickddns and click custom domain. Create any name you want, than click test. If it works, it will say successful. You can now go to quickddns.com and log in and see your IP address. Than, change your http port in the NVR to something like 8000. You can keep TCP at 37777. Than, log into your router and go to port forward rules. Set 2 rules, nvr http and nvr tcp. You need to port forward 8000 to the IP that you assigned your NVR. I like using for my NVR and 201,202,203,etc for my cameras. Than, go to canyouseeme.org and check 8000 and check 37777. If it says it can see your service, than your ports are opened and forwarded. On your iphone, download IDMSS lite, and on android, GDMSS lite. Add a device, click on quickddns, enter the name you created, enter the username and password if you changed it in the NVR ( I recommend changing it). And you should be good with the phone.
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I did all that except used port 80 and 37777. Seems to work, I set the settings on my phone for home and away settings. For home I put the nvr IP address and a specific username and password that is only for mobile. It let me add cams.

for away use I put in my DNS instead of ip and the DNS userid and password with the same port but it says user doesn't exist. Is this because my phone is currently on wifi at home? Will it work correctly with these settings on 3G network?

is the username and password for setting it up on ddns supposed to have the ddns username and password or the nvr username and password?

also since I port forwarded is anyone able to access my home network? I changed all my default passwords for everything.
In your phone, regardless if your using away or home, you have to enter the NVR's user ID and password. The DDNS service simply redirects your phone to your router and your router sends you to the NVR. Did you use canyouseeme.org and check if port 80 is open? I have a feeling it's not going to be, but you never know. Have you tried remoting into your NVR with a PC yet?
As far as security goes, if you have wifi, your odds of having someone hacking into your network is the same as if you didn't have the cameras.
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In your phone, regardless if your using away or home, you have to enter the NVR's user ID and password. The DDNS service simply redirects your phone to your router and your router sends you to the NVR. Did you use canyouseeme.org and check if port 80 is open? I have a feeling it's not going to be, but you never know. Have you tried remoting into your NVR with a PC yet?
As far as security goes, if you have wifi, your odds of having someone hacking into your network is the same as if you didn't have the cameras.

I did try canyouseeme and 80 is open. How do I remote in? I can log into the NVR through the wifi at home, do I need to try from a friends house?
Yes, you would have to have a friend on a different network try to log in via a computer. Best to use IE and let it download the plug ins. Or, go to the Dahua site and download the software for free. I am surprised 80 is letting you port forward. Your friend just has to type in your domain name and does not need to enter the port at the end.
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