Newbie question Hickvision NVR


Mar 9, 2017
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I've had pretty good success setting up my Hikvision DS6708-NI, except I am having significant problems with remote browser live view and playback on Windows 10 Machines.

With Chrome, the live view and playback screens constantly show "Please click here to download and install the plug-in. Close the browser when installing the plug-in." regardless of how many times I run the plugin.

In IE (not edge), live view and playback works just fine, except I can not successfully save snapshots or video clips. It says that it saves them, but the subdirectory c:\...USSC Web... doesn't exist and there are not files saved.

Firefox worked perfectly in live view and playback, and successfully saved files... until this morning. There was an update apparently, and now it acts just like Chrome - constantly asking for the plug-in to be installed.

Are there known workarounds for any/all of these browsers?

Thank you in advance!


Mar 2, 2017
Reaction score
Hey there. I had problems with all my browsers at first but was eventually able to get Firefox to work using the Web Component download from their Overseas Download Portal: here For some reason the install that Firefox was trying to get me to install didn't work but this install did. Give it a shot and see if that works.

Not sure what to tell you in regards to the snap shots though. I can save the snapshots but the link that is immediately presented when doing so wont let me click on it- I guess maybe it's not a link. All the same my snapshot is there I just have to navigate to the C:\Users\"UsersName"\Web folder.


Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
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With Chrome, the live view and playback screens constantly show "Please click here to download and install the plug-in. Close the browser when installing the plug-in." regardless of how many times I run the plugin.
The current version of Chrome does not support NPAPI plugins, and has not for quite some time.
There is an extension called IETAB that returns some of that functionality.
In IE (not edge), live view and playback works just fine, except I can not successfully save snapshots or video clips. It says that it saves them, but the subdirectory c:\...USSC Web... doesn't exist and there are not files saved.
The subdirectory does exist - but in the 'Temporary Internet Files virtualstore' (hidden by default) because IE does not have the needed permissions to write to the non-user folder you have specified. It's confusing when the configured path is different from the actual one - it's the protected way Windows handles write like that.
For a folder destination within the user profile, you could add the NVR IP address to IE Trusted Sites.
For areas outwith that, you would need to use 'Run as Administrator' for IE.