Why isn't there much love for LaView (Hikvision / LTS Systems)?


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Why isn't there much love for LaView (Hikvision / LTS Systems)?
Based on my research, it's the only big-box store company that is selling turrets alongside their other products that too for very decent prices. Not to mention they are running a 25% off sale this labor day weekend.

Would appreciate some insight. Their cameras are very cheap (in terms of price). Though, I wonder if they would work with a Dahua NVR.


IPCT Contributor
Dec 5, 2016
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Here's why in general I don't usually look at companies that buy from Dahua/Hikvision, rebrand them, and then sell/support them:

1. Some of these companies take the original firmware and remove features/functionality (I guess to make the cameras easier for them to support).
2. These companies always seem a bit behind on the technology. Do any of the LaView models have the STARVIS image sensor in them for the improved low-light performance like the year-old Dahua Starlights (or Hik Ultra-low lights)?
3. While these companies offer "support", I've seen enough posts where it seems like the support is about as basic as it gets, and folks are coming to the forum here for the more in-depth questions.

The Dahua NVR supports ONVIF. If these LaView cameras also support ONVIF, the basics (i.e. Motion Detection, but not Hik's "Smart Events" or whatever they're called) should work.


Pulling my weight
Oct 1, 2016
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You really should not mix cameras and NVRs
So if you have a Dahua NVR, stick to Dahua cams.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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I've been trying to create the awareness of rebrands and its limitations to my neighbors; have even tried to encourage them to order directly from overseas, but they are still reluctant to pursue. I don't see any cameras in the US featuring starlight / STARVIS. Most people I come across here install bullet-cams, they've never even heard of the term turrets (because companies like Lorex, Swann, and Night Owl do not have a large offering here). The bandwagon uses bullets, therefore, everyone I come across thinks its wise to use bullets. Then when it comes to an installer that brings up the term turret, they install the cheapest model they can find and still cannot achieve great performance in low-light conditions because the Starlight models are not available in the general market (unless you know a source or two, but the odds of finding one even at B&H online are slim).

I was surprised that LaView has turrets (with the Matrix IR, which I know doesn't quite meet the same level of night-time performance as the Starlight models), but it does offer a decent performance for those that choose to stick with these US-companies. On the other hand, some features may be stripped, but LaView NVR's and its user manual / spec sheet suggests that we can use native Hikvision cameras.


Pulling my weight
Oct 1, 2016
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FWIW, seems like a lot of my neighbors have domes.
They do look nice, just wondering how long before they fog up from uv exposure.
But these are the same neighbors that have their cams too high, so they are getting good top of head recordings lol


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
The behind on technology aspect includes bug fixes and new features in the firmware. The reseller doesn't necessarily pick up every firmware release, and when they do there's a potentially big delay while they do their customization and testing. I got bit by this and dumped the reseller to go straight to Dahua gear.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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One of them purchased a Night Owl System from BJ's (the BNC type --- not PoE), even spent extra for an extra protection warranty of up to one year. Was told that anything more would have exceeded their budget, lol (Go-figure). Now after lecturing them on their purchasing options, they settled for the cross-road and went with a Lorex system whereas the other fellow thinks that spending more with a professional installer is going to yield better results irrespective of make and model, lol. Neighbors should have crossed the street completely and opted for the overseas option. Then again, we can't force them to make the logical decision. They're new to this market. May be I'll be able to suggest them to pick up a couple of turrets down the line (provided they work with Lorex, LaView, Swann-branded NVR's). I mean even getting the correct sized-lens matter. I shared the URL for camera placement recommendations (IPVM), but their philosophy is that 2.8mm, 3.6mm, 6mm, etc. doesn't matter. I was pleased when one of them listened and picked up the 3.6mm. However, that's for all eight cameras in the kit. No variety whatsoever. These companies / start-ups lock you down on the one size fits all world. :D
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Show security camera video captures and have them discuss which are better and why.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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One of them purchased a Night Owl System from BJ's (the BNC type --- not PoE), even spent extra for an extra protection warranty of up to one year. Was told that anything more would have exceeded their budget, lol (Go-figure). Now after lecturing them on their purchasing options, they settled for the cross-road and went with a Lorex system whereas the other fellow thinks that spending more with a professional installer is going to yield better results irrespective of make and model, lol. Neighbors should have crossed the street completely and opted for the overseas option. Then again, we can't force them to make the logical decision. They're new to this market. May be I'll be able to suggest them to pick up a couple of turrets down the line (provided they work with Lorex, LaView, Swann-branded NVR's). I mean even getting the correct sized-lens matter. I shared the URL for camera placement recommendations (IPVM), but their philosophy is that 2.8mm, 3.6mm, 6mm, etc. doesn't matter. I was pleased when one of them listened and picked up the 3.6mm. However, that's for all eight cameras in the kit. No variety whatsoever. These companies / start-ups lock you down on the one size fits all world. :D
Was thinking about this issue for a bit,

Security Cameras and Systems require additional knowledge which few are willing to pick up, and few realize just how bad they have been deceived by popular TV shows and movies which show some insane ability for the police to go to their CSI expert and zoom into all sorts of details which are not available in real life.

The result unfortunately is a challenging situation for anyone wanting to share what they have learned with others, as well as those making better products.

Also, asking people who have not already done so to purchase directly from China is challenging.

Thus I believe a good approach is recommending a few options:
1) Customized system via purchases from Chinese vendors ( such as Andy ) - ideal, but a harder sell to people.
2) A couple recommended kits from US vendors. ( Such as the 4K Dahua OEM one I saw at Costco, you can customize it a bit with 2 additional cameras, and a good compromise for most people - and far better than the other options most of them will buy w/o assistance - FYI - Some local Costco B&M have a Lorex / Dahua OEM 4K 6x camera kit and 8 port NVR for $800 )
3) A professional installer who will install a good system. ( hate to include it here, as how do you find someone worth recommending? )

A lot of people will like this to be an easy purchase, thus probably why one neighbor is looking at the professional installer.
Same with the neighbor who purchased the night owl system.

Perhaps setting up something in your yard like Nayr has to allow people to see the images from the cameras on test license plates and other objects would be useful.

In the end people will like choices, but not too many, so a nice short list of what you recommend and why is worth while as well as the ability for them to see real world video / image examples.