Here Kitty Kitty....


Getting comfortable
Feb 10, 2017
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Not my camera, but a neighbors about 15 houses north of us. This was around 4:15AM. This is P47. A tracked Mountain Lion in Southern California. Needless to say small dogs were kept inside for a few days in the neighborhood...


J Sigmo

Known around here
Feb 5, 2018
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Beautiful critters. We get them around here, too, but rarely in town. I would not want to tangle with one! A standard house cat can be incredibly strong when trying to get them into a carrier for a trip to the vet, or trying to get them to take a pill! One that weighs ten times as much would be incredible.

That footage seems to have been shot by hand, not by a security camera. Or was this some kind of automated PTZ setup?

J Sigmo

Known around here
Feb 5, 2018
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OK. That explains what we're seeing! Thanks!


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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its shot by a cell phone, pointing at a monitor by someone who doesnt know how to use the export function on their recorder...
Which reminds me of a pet peeve of mine:

You ask someone to post a snapshot of their camera settings (or whatever), they bring up the settings on their PC, tablet or whatever, take a photo of it with their phone and post that practically useless image.

Please, folks (and you know who you are).....PC's have been around almost 37 years a screenshot with the PC, paste into your favorite image editor (I use Paint Shop Pro 5...old as dirt!), resize and/or crop as necessary and post that. If you need instructions or help doing that, please ask someone.

I just timed myself taking a screenshot, cropping it and saving the image to my 'Pictures 'folder as a '.jpg' file...took 24 seconds. And I wasn't really trying to be fast. And I'll be 69 next week! C'mon, man! :cool:
Last edited:


Getting comfortable
Feb 10, 2017
Reaction score
its shot by a cell phone, pointing at a monitor by someone who doesnt know how to use the export function on their recorder...
Ya, this neighbor had some company come and set up a Nest cam out front and Arlo on the side. Not even matching cams.... He showed me on his iPhone and I thought the same thing about, you really couldn't have export this from whatever cloud service you have? But whenever I talk Blue Iris and setting up your own cams, everyone's eyes glaze over...


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Ya, this neighbor had some company come and set up a Nest cam out front and Arlo on the side. Not even matching cams.... He showed me on his iPhone and I thought the same thing about, you really couldn't have export this from whatever cloud service you have? But whenever I talk Blue Iris and setting up your own cams, everyone's eyes glaze over...
I find it amusing that he paid a company to set up nest and Arlo.... The whole point of these systems are for users to be able to install them themselves.... I don't know how somebody who "installs" that stuff can sleep at night


Getting comfortable
Feb 10, 2017
Reaction score
I forgot there was a better looking (Ring) video of the same cat almost a week later roughly about a mile from us. This all happened the beginning of the year.


J Sigmo

Known around here
Feb 5, 2018
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Which reminds me of a pet peeve of mine:

You ask someone to post a snapshot of their camera settings (or whatever), they bring up the settings on their PC, tablet or whatever, take a photo of it with their phone and post that practically useless image.

Please, folks (and you know who you are).....PC's have been around almost 37 years a screenshot with the PC, paste into your favorite image editor (I use Paint Shop Pro 5...old as dirt!), resize and/or crop as necessary and post that. If you need instructions or help doing that, please ask someone.

I just timed myself taking a screenshot, cropping it and saving the image to my 'Pictures 'folder as a '.jpg' file...took 24 seconds. And I wasn't really trying to be fast. And I'll be 69 next week! C'mon, man! :cool:

Hah! Paint Shop Pro 5! I have had that since I got a copy of it free with the purchase of a dial-up modem board many years ago! While I use Photoshop and Lightroom for serious photo work, I keep PSP5 on all of my machines because it is fast to load and use, and does a huge part of what I often need to do. It also does NOT use the registry, so you can "install" it simply by copying the directory in which it lives to a new or other PC. Wonderful!

And amusingly, I, too, use it as my "go-to" for working with screen captures! I just hit the CTRL/Print Screen buttons, open PSP5, Paste as new image, and then do whatever I want to do with the image (often just crop it and save it), and then I have what I want. I also hold onto my old ACDSee Classic for the same reasons. Fast, light footprint, does what I want in an image viewer. I took the fancier newer version of ACDSee off of my main PC because it was slow, bloated, wanted to be an image editor, and, again, SLOW by comparison to the old ACDSee Classic, whose claim to fame used to be its extreme speed at decoding JPGs and rendering them. Some programs are better when they're simple.

I'm not as ancient as you, but I'm pretty close! Go Old Farts! ;)


IPCT Contributor
May 12, 2016
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Only excuse for taking a 'screenshot' with a camera is to capture the ui that's shown on a monitor of an NVR.

I like the snipping tool, but alt-printscreen, crtl-v is even simpler.


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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Haha and I have enough hdmi capture devices around that I could even take proper screenshots from an NVR if I had one.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Only excuse for taking a 'screenshot' with a camera is to capture the ui that's shown on a monitor of an NVR.

I like the snipping tool, but alt-printscreen, crtl-v is even simpler.
+1 to that.

Amazingly, I'll be working on a city clerk's or realtor's PC (people who have been using PC's for at least 15-30 years) and I'll highlight some text in an e-mail with the mouse cursor, hit cntrl-C, open up a blank Word document, click the cursor in a blank spot, hit cntrl-V (and of course the text from the e-mail will 'magically' appear in the Word doc) and they'll say "What did you do?". I'll show them V-E-R-Y slowly about 5 times and they'll say "Oh, that's too hard, I can't do that". Then I'll say "OK, fine...sit there and type 30 or 40 words, check for accuracy and typos, keep doing that time and time again and then tell me your way isn't MORE difficult? Gimme a break!

It blows my mind how many folks still don't know about copy & paste in's been around in some form since the mid 80's!:facepalm:


IPCT Contributor
May 12, 2016
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+1 to that.

Amazingly, I'll be working on a city clerk's or realtor's PC (people who have been using PC's for at least 15-30 years) and I'll highlight some text in an e-mail with the mouse cursor, hit cntrl-C, open up a blank Word document, click the cursor in a blank spot, hit cntrl-V (and of course the text from the e-mail will 'magically' appear in the Word doc) and they'll say "What did you do?". I'll show them V-E-R-Y slowly about 5 times and they'll say "Oh, that's too hard, I can't do that". Then I'll say "OK, fine...sit there and type 30 or 40 words, check for accuracy and typos, keep doing that time and time again and then tell me your way isn't MORE difficult? Gimme a break!

It blows my mind how many folks still don't know about copy & paste in's been around in some form since the mid 80's!:facepalm:
Yeah, some people really can't wrap their heads around keystrokes. On a mac, I've found you have to send these people to the menu bar at the top of the screen, just like in the 80's. Getting them to right click is another option.

Same sort of folks who end up sending gems like this off to be printed by the thousand:


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Yeah, some people really can't wrap their heads around keystrokes. On a mac, I've found you have to send these people to the menu bar at the top of the screen, just like in the 80's. Getting them to right click is another option.

Same sort of folks who end up sending gems like this off to be printed by the thousand:
View attachment 26509
I saw this 3 hours ago and scratched my I SEE THE GOOF! "Pubic" rec area..:embarrassed:

My last 12 years in traffic signals was in a City Pubic Works Dept. so naturally my 'big boss' was the 'Public Works Director', right?
He had his secretary edit the lexicon for spell check in Word, deleting both 'public' and 'pubic' so it would redline even 'public' and she could make darned sure she had it correct after typing up and circulating a couple of dozen city council meeting agendas wherein he was referred to as '..the Pubic Works Director". :winktongue:


Pulling my weight
Aug 16, 2015
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Planet Earth
Oh my that is a decent size cat and it is good that no one out alone bumped into him.


Known around here
Feb 9, 2016
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Seattle, Wa
I worked for a firm that was designing, selling and installing WiFi, back in the early days of adoption. Having WiFi in some places, available to the general public, was new and novel.
The president of the company was making a presentation to hundreds of people at a trade show. His slide deck had 40 or 50 slides, nice graphics, lots of content. Obviously, many people were involved in creating/editing the slides.
He pulled up ghe next slide on the 50ft screen, and started talking about the info.
The audience started snickering. Then laughing. The president didn't get it - there was nothing humorous on the slide!
He finally asked what was so funny!
"Your goal is to roll out more Pubic Hot Spots next year?"
That made everyone recognize the typo, and the room erupted!
The president took it pretty well, made a joke about firing the secretary responsible, that spell-check confirmed "Pubic" was spelled correctly, etc.
The whole episode became part of the company lore, and was retold many times....

J Sigmo

Known around here
Feb 5, 2018
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Why not just use the snipping tool included in Windows?
I admit not trying the snipping tool much, but I'd just been using PSP5, and the ctrl/Print Screen for so many years before the snipping tool existed that a lot of it is force of habit. But when I did try the snipping tool, I found it more cumbersome because it greyed out the screen while making the selection, and didn't allow me to zoom in to make careful, accurate crops the way PSP does. It also didn't easily let me "save as" in whatever format I wanted, so I just continue to use PSP5, which actually launches faster than the snipping tool, on my machines, anyhow.

I probably didn't give it enough of a try, and didn't learn how to make it really do what I wanted.

It blows my mind how many folks still don't know about copy & paste in's been around in some form since the mid 80's!:facepalm:
That's true, or how many people don't have the slightest idea of how basic file manipulation works. You bring up Windows Explorer, and it is set to the defaults, because they've never once used it on their PC. And every picture and document they've ever saved are all in "My Documents".

Yeah, some people really can't wrap their heads around keystrokes. On a mac, I've found you have to send these people to the menu bar at the top of the screen, just like in the 80's. Getting them to right click is another option.

Same sort of folks who end up sending gems like this off to be printed by the thousand:
View attachment 26509
Brings to mind 'jock itch, 'crotch rot' and 'crabs', all NOT so pleasant! :lmao:
For some reason, the phrase "Pubic Recreation Area" made me think of this:


J Sigmo

Known around here
Feb 5, 2018
Reaction score
I forgot there was a better looking (Ring) video of the same cat almost a week later roughly about a mile from us. This all happened the beginning of the year.

I like how easily the cat jumps up onto, then over that security gate.

It reminds me of the first cat we got when I was a kid. Our dog chased him under a car, and we couldn't find who had lost him, so we ended up adopting him. He and our dog became the best of pals. But what reminds me of that in this video is how our dog never left the yard when we closed the gate in the fence. He'd put his paws up on the fence top and bark when we'd leave him, but he stayed in the yard.

Then, one day, after we got the cat, I watched the cat jump up onto the fence, then jump down onto the other side. And you could almost see the little light bulb appear above the dog's head as he watched that! After that day, the arms race was on, with us trying to secure every new place the dog figured out where to jump, climb, or sneak out over, under, around, etc., the fence! He could climb trees, bushes, get on roofs, etc., to find ways to get out so he could roam free!