Strange network behavior


Getting the hang of it
May 30, 2014
Reaction score
Bellevue, WA
This is the most interesting thing I have seen in my many years of working on computers. I have a Hikvision cube camera in my kitchen. I was connecting over Wi-Fi but was having issues with dropped connections, so I grabbed a powerline adapter I had laying around and connected it to that as well. In BI I have both IP's set up as different cameras.

Today I am trying to add a switch to my Vera home automation so I needed the powerline port for the Vera. Disconnected the Hik cube and plugged in the Vera. When I go back to BI I still see both streams coming into BI. I can log on to the admin page over either IP and can ping the wired connection.

I am sure there is some unexpected bridging going on in the camera but I have never seen this behavior before. Both streams are pulling data at different bit stream rates so not like it is somehow a cloned camera.


Getting the hang of it
Mar 12, 2018
Reaction score
Hi Roger

do the LAN and WiFi interfaces have separate MAC addresses on the Hik cube?

Either way, I've seen similar with my generic hik protocol cameras where disconnecting the LAN interface you still get a ping reply from the LAN ip, so I expect many of these cameras don't isolate the interfaces, they may even be internally coupled in a hub type arrangement and so effectively if you can reach one address you can push through to the other one. Not great from a security POV if you run LAN and WiFi on separate vlan/IP subnets as you'd effectively bridge any security out of the way.