Will this damage the camera?


Young grasshopper
Aug 26, 2018
Reaction score
Indiana, USA
I put cameras up because of my neighbor. I was reviewing some footage last night, and neighbor went out after dark with an extremely powerful flashlight and shined it directly at the camera for about 30 seconds. Then turned on a strobe feature for about 30 seconds.

Aside from the shitty behavior, will this damage the camera?


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I put cameras up because of my neighbor. I was reviewing some footage last night, and neighbor went out after dark with an extremely powerful flashlight and shined it directly at the camera for about 30 seconds. Then turned on a strobe feature for about 30 seconds.

Aside from the shitty behavior, will this damage the camera?


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I put cameras up because of my neighbor. I was reviewing some footage last night, and neighbor went out after dark with an extremely powerful flashlight and shined it directly at the camera for about 30 seconds. Then turned on a strobe feature for about 30 seconds.

Aside from the shitty behavior, will this damage the camera?
take the video, post it on youtube, add his name and address, and workplace and send him the link...he will get the message and stop.


Young grasshopper
Aug 26, 2018
Reaction score
Indiana, USA
From what I know, this individual may not know what youtube is. Legal stuff will happen at some point.
Good to know the camera isn't at risk (from this at least).


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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These cameras will survive staring directly at the sun all day. No amount of light your neighbor is likely to produce can even come close.

J Sigmo

Known around here
Feb 5, 2018
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I've heard of lasers damaging sensors on DSLRs.
Direct sunlight, too. DSLRs and EVILs (Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens) cameras are rather easily damaged if the lens, especially if focused to infinity or nearly so, is left where the sun will be in the frame. The sun's image spot just burns its way across the internal components (to include the sensor) as the earth turns.

Images of typical sun-damage to DSLRs and lenses

Focusing the sun's image down to a small spot has the same effect on sensors, shutters, and other internals as using a magnifying glass to burn ants does.

I see that the new Canon EOS-R full-frame mirrorless camera is set up to close its shutter when powered off AND close the iris (aperture) as far as possible AND (very importantly) move the focus to the closest focus setting on any lens that's mounted, as well. This is surely intended to help prevent damage that can be caused by leaving the camera/lens aimed where the sun will be in the field of view of the system.

I've been told, on here, that these security cameras will tolerate having the sun in the field of view, but it still seems like it could be dangerous. But I do have some positions at my house that would benefit from having the cameras mounted such that the sun will be in the field of view, in winter, during some or all of the day. So this is a subject that concerns me!

If it's legal to have your security cameras set to "see" a neighbor's property without their permission, or even if not, wouldn't purposely shining a laser at someone's security camera, with the intent of damaging it, be a crime as well as grounds for civil liability?

In any case, this sounds like the kind of neighbor none of us want. I've been through that. But fortunately, the local "house from hell" must have been "cleansed" or something, because the newest people to move into it are excellent. This after about 40 years of everyone who lived there all ending up being the scourge of the neighborhood. I swear, it was the house. It had to be. There's no way so many people could end up being such dirt bags just by sheer chance! ;)