New user, strange problems (alert video jumping, pausing for several seconds)


Mar 4, 2015
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I'm setting up Blue Iris for a friend, he has 4 Hikvision IP cameras. So far I've installed the trial version of the software and got it set up to record on motion detection, and send an email with 4 images in that are spaced 2 seconds apart.

The motion detection aspect of it is working fine (and well - kudos devs!) but I am getting strange video lag in the recorded videos. For example, it'll start playing for a couple of seconds and then completely freeze for 10 seconds or so, before resuming again. There is also some random jumps that consequently misses motion - e.g. someone walking from one side of a car to another, instead of recording the whole event you'd see the person at one side, then they would teleport into the car and be in the process of reversing when the video resumes! Funny, but not very helpful :laugh:

The PC that is running it is well specced - i7-5820k, 16GB RAM, 2GB AMD graphics card, etc - and it is barely using ~8% CPU so I don't think there's any performance issues there. The only thing I can think of that could potentially cause something like this is that the CPU is configured (default) to speed up and slow down according to demand, but this is near instantaneous so I find it hard to believe this could be the problem.

Also - I'm getting into a bit of a mess in terms of knowing what settings I should make on the cameras themselves, if any, and what settings I should leave to BI. I feel somewhat overwhelmed by BI at the moment, so many settings (good for power users) without a real "these settings work for most people" wizard or whatever.

I vaguely understand things like keyframes, etc but don't know how this should be configured for continuous recording, and event recording. Ideally I think he'd want to have continuous recording at a reasonable framerate (e.g. 15fps) to cut down on disk usage, with triggered recording being higher quality and higher framerate. Is this even possible?

I appreciate everyones environment and setup is different, hence the need for so much customisation, and I do appreciate that - but it would be useful to know what I should be doing out of the gate. My friend wants to ideally be able to continuously record all 4 cameras for a month, with recordings older than a month deleted/overwritten automatically. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance for any help provided :)


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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1) match the cameras iframe to the fps - in camera settings
2) increase the cameras frame rate settings - in blue iris- so if your camera is set to 10fps, set blue iris to 12 or 15...and uncheck auto adjust..
3) increase the network buffer from 1.5mb to blue iris...
4) uncheck object detect reject in the blue iris motion settings.

Post images of you motion settings..


Mar 4, 2015
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Thanks, am at work at the moment so will do this all later.

Is it possible to have a continuous record of X FPS and X quality, and a triggered record of Y FPS and Y quality - without cloning cameras? It's likely he would want a low framerate for the continous recording, with a near real time record (e.g. 25 FPS) on trigger. Not sure if he'd want different resolutions for these two scenarios, but am presuming not at the moment.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks, am at work at the moment so will do this all later.

Is it possible to have a continuous record of X FPS and X quality, and a triggered record of Y FPS and Y quality - without cloning cameras? It's likely he would want a low framerate for the continous recording, with a near real time record (e.g. 25 FPS) on trigger. Not sure if he'd want different resolutions for these two scenarios, but am presuming not at the moment.
No, its not possible.