Logitech Alert cameras in BI


Young grasshopper
Dec 29, 2015
Anyone feel like a challenge? I'm unable to get my Logitech cameras to work in BI. Too many settings, have no idea where to begin after selecting the camera from the dropdown. Do I need to plug in IP addresses or ...?

Lost, thanks.
If you know the cam's IP, then yes...plug that into BI.
If you don't know it, locate it with Advanced IP Scanner for Windows or Fing (my fav) for iOS or Android.

Other threads say that the IP cannot be made static in that cam. If true, at least log into router and reserve that IP.

Other threads say you cannot have "hardware decoding" checked; insure it's unchecked.
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Best thing would be to sell them on Ebay and get better cams, but I admit I still have one and it is working with BI.

@TonyR is correct the IP cannot be made static, so the first order of business is to get into your router and reserve IPs for the cams. You need to make sure the IPs don't change at a power cycle.
Then you can configure BI.
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Best thing would be to sell them on Ebay and get better cams, but I admit I still have one and it is working with BI.

@TonyR is correct the IP cannot be made static, so the first order of business is to get into your router and reserve IPs for the cams. You need to make sure the IPs don't change at a power cycle.
Then you can configure BI.

Is you the POE cable running from the camera into the original Logitech power supply still? I don't seem to be able to see the cameras using the IP scanner tool. Thank you
Is you the POE cable running from the camera into the original Logitech power supply still? I don't seem to be able to see the cameras using the IP scanner tool. Thank you

Yes I am using the original Logitech supply but the cameras work directly connected as poe also.

Tell us a little about your network. What type of router? You will need to be able to assign a "reserved" IP for each camera using the router that is acting as your dhcp server. Hopefully you have one with that feature.
Otherwise you will need to get one.
Medialink router. Current Logitech setup is camera to power supply. Then next to my desktop the main power supply or whatever it is plugged into my router. Router hardwired to my Dell desktop.
One thing I didnt understand when I tried to add the camera to BI was do I just select the Logitech Alert selection in the dropdown and that's it? Do I change the username or password or anything else?

In my router settings I see DHCP reservation which looks like I can add to. It asks for an optional name, mac address, and IP address.

Thank you!
OK that sounds good. You will use the DHCP reservation settings you found for each camera. If the list of devices is not on the same screen then there will probably be a DHCP screen where you will see devices. You may need to read a help file for that router. Here is my config:

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Ok, plugged in the IP address of one of the cameras. I'm getting the error below using both the admin/admin default in the username/PW fields, as well as the username/PW I use to log into Alert Commander online.

User/Password will be the same as Alert Commander. Cams are the "WiLife"
Seriously consider Ebay. There is still a contigency out there that will pay a premium for these cams. You can get over $100 and buy a really nice Dahua 2231 or
No sorry Wilife is what they showed up in your IP scan.

Alert for BI
OK. Same as mine. I'm guessing you have a user/password issue. I see in the IP Scan there were two WiLife cams so assume you have tried them both?
Will try the other now. It's definitely the same username and password I use to log into the web version of the commander software. I don't have to change the port #s or anything right? Thanks again.
Same, no signal. Are you using the original network adapter that came with the system? The logitech one.