Indoor Mid-High Quality PT w/ Night Vision


Apr 3, 2014
I'm new to the IP cam game. I found this site via Blue Iris page. I haven't bought that software yet but a friend has good luck so I plan to. I have started to work a pretty late shift 22:00, so the kids are in bed and the wife is nearly in bed or in bed when I get home. As the weeks & months pass the house seems to be getting messier and messier when I get home. Let's just say I'll be checking the cam before the firewall lets Netflix through once I get this system set up. This isn't the only reason, it's just the straw that broke the camels back. LOL

Anyway I will be installing 3-5 pretty cheap IP cameras (LOFTEK® CXS 2200, my buddy who showed my the blue iris software has 6 of them and they seem good enough), but I also want one or two that are much higher quality. Ones that I'll be actually watching the stream from time to time so I'll actually want decent frame rate and resolution.

I could care less about WiFi, I don't even have it in my home, but I get that many/most ip cameras seem to have it as well. Anyway just looking for any suggestions or feedback from users that own the devices. Newegg has hundreds of IP cams, but not much of a chance to see a cam in action until you buy.
Welcome to the addiction :)

Are you looking for an indoor cam?

Several of us here are getting the Hikvision 2432 lately... The quality is exceptional for the price, however it's not that easy to find the 2.8mm lens in the US. I just purchased one from China on AliExpess here without any issues and the price is now $155 with free shipping. It even does WIFI with very good results...

Here are a video from just today by a user here. Yhe N
etworkCameraCritic review here

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This will be an indoor camera. Thank you for the advice. Where are you buying them?

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Oh, also, I would really like to have pan and tilt.
This will be an indoor camera. Thank you for the advice. Where are you buying them?

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Oh, also, I would really like to have pan and tilt.
I understand that you want p/t but here is something to consider. Most of the cheap p/t cameras have a narrow field of view, thus necessitating the p/t. The DS-2CD2432F-IW can be ordered with a 2.8mm lens (vs the standard 4mm) that will provide a very wide view possibly covering the entire are you need to watch. P/t is cool but it becomes tedious to do and if you are not monitoring it 24/7 you will miss all the action that occurs outside that view that you can otherwise capture with a wide angle 2.8mm lens.
ACTi has announced mini-PT cameras, but not available yet, the B91, B92, B93. All day/night and tiny. The ones I know of and used from Axis or Panasonic are day only (no IR cut filter). I could have sworn Dahua had a PT camera, but can't find it on their site, but saw it at ISC.

An alternative to PT would be a Hemispheric or Fisheye camera. It gives you a 360 degree view of a room if you put in the center. ACTi just released a nice one with day/night capability, 3MP is the B56. The cool one to get is the I53, but a few months out. It puts out several correct streams so you can look at it as a round fisheye, or look at 4 correct streams, each one 90 degree view. Sort of like pan tilt without the motor and you can see all areas at the same time.
Dericam H502 series is available on ebay for less than $100 each. 720p, pan and tilt, IR. Most people who have them like them (better than foscam anyway). But still, you get what you pay for and I have never seen a particularly good indoor PT cam.
I'm new to the IP cam game. I found this site via Blue Iris page. I haven't bought that software yet but a friend has good luck so I plan to. I have started to work a pretty late shift 22:00, so the kids are in bed and the wife is nearly in bed or in bed when I get home. As the weeks & months pass the house seems to be getting messier and messier when I get home. Let's just say I'll be checking the cam before the firewall lets Netflix through once I get this system set up. This isn't the only reason, it's just the straw that broke the camels back. LOL

Other alternatives i am evaluating are:
- IPS Ki-EL (
- Apexis APM-HP803-MPC-WP (
- EyeSight ES-IP909IW (there is also a 902 which is dericam 502 clone)(
- SysVideo SC5513 (
Let me know what you think!
Thank you
What do you think about the Foscam FI9826W?
It has pan-tilt and even a 3x zoom.
Personally I'm searching for a ip cam to be used has baby monitor. I was quite decided to buy the Foscam but I've read many negative comments in general on forums against their products (many bugs in the firmware, build quality problems,..) so now I'm confused...
What do you think about the Foscam FI9826W?
It has pan-tilt and even a 3x zoom.
Personally I'm searching for a ip cam to be used has baby monitor. I was quite decided to buy the Foscam but I've read many negative comments in general on forums against their products (many bugs in the firmware, build quality problems,..) so now I'm confused...

That particular Foscam looks fairly good because it has 1 megapixel video, h264 compression, and optical zoom which is fairly rare on cheap indoor PTZ cameras. But it is also really pricey compared to something like Dericam H502 which lacks the optical zoom.
They are great for beginners, the $60-80 version because they are cheap, will last a few months and a good intro into surveillance cameras. PTZ indoors is a room is pretty much a waste as you can cover an entire room with a typical camera put in the corner of the room. A cool camera that is often overlooked is the Hikvision DS-2CD8464F-EIW.
Is DS-2CD8464F-EIW better than DS-2CD2432F-IW in any way besides extra IR illumination? I suppose the 1.3 MP sensor might have better low light performance than the 3MP too, but that is just a guess.
Better low light performance, built to be more of a nanny cam, comes with remote controls. If you want to try one I can get a better price for you, have a few here with me. Comes with remote controls.
Thanks for all the replies. I think that I will go for the DS-2CD2432F-IW, but I will prefer to use the 6mm lens because for using it as baby monitor I don't need a wide angle nor I want the distorted image that wide angle lens produce.
Anyone can suggest me were to get this cam and the 6mm lens?
Unfortunately I tried to buy one with the 6mm lens a couple weeks ago and all the aliexpress sellers I tried told me it wasn't available in that size at this time -- some of them waited until several days after my order to tell me this.

If you find anyone selling the 6mm version, let me know!
There is very little distortion even on a 2.8mm lens. The standard 4mm will be fine. @networkcameracritic, like bp2008, im curious as to what you mean by remote control?
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You can see the review I did on the 2432 here - I used the 4mm because to me that's the best compromise, 2.8mm to me is too wide, 6mm is too restrictive.

As for remotes, don't know, never used them, but there's two in the box. Ask someone at Wrightwood, they actually use that camera themselves.