[Solved]Rate My Build and How to Improve it
EDIT: It seems I am best off just buying some cameras and going from there. I didn't get the main question I wanted answered fully so I'll see how things go once I start putting cameras up.
Background Info:
With recent break-ins to my parents' vehicles I want to install up to 12 IP cameras around the house and garage. I don't need anything too fancy, however it needs to be enough detail to at least show the person's skin color and possibly their face.
The path the cameras will take will be from my rack's poe injector to a 12 port patch panel near the rack, over to another 12 port patch panel over a vent where some will go down a PVC tube into the basement into another 12 port patch panel. From here the cables split off to whatever camera it needs to go to with at least 4 going through a PVC pipe underground into the garage and into 2 dual surface mount boxes and finally the 4 cameras. I am interested to read comments regarding this setup as I could technically go from the vertical patch panel over the vent straight to a horizontal patch panel on my rack though if I ever change racks (plan to buy a 36U monoprice one down the road as 42U is too big for me) I'll have to punch down 96 wires again with the possibility of it becoming 192 instead of just terminating 12 cables later.
I'm also linking to a shared google folder with relevant pictures that will give a better idea what I am working with. This house is nearly 100 years old, so any modding to it won't look that wonderful as some rooms don't even use plywood (uses sheaths of wood+rocks). There'll also be a Visio birdseye view with and without measurements showing the property, sidewalk, and telephone pole.
I want to tackle the driveway camera first as that's where the break-ins have happened. We've never had an intruder (yet). From there I want to put a porch and backdoor camera up for a potential intrusion and then branch into the garage, backyard, and inside the house.
Thank you for helping me and please let me know if you need more information. I tried to research as much as I could on my own and provide as much detail as I could before coming here.
Summary Questions:
1: What is your opinion on the patch panels and my rack? Which idea sounds better and more efficient?
2: I assumed this, though can I even run 100-150 feet worth of cat6 through multiple panels to a camera without significant loss? The cables shouldn't be exposed to the elements which is why they'll be UTP.
3: Would a dome or bullet be best for outside cameras? I like dome due to not being seen as easily however that requires accessories to mount it to a side wall.
4: The main camera will have a blind spot right near the main garage door; how can I overcome this? I was thinking either a dom camera facing the garage door or pinhole camera so it's even harder to see.
5: Hikvision or Dahua for indoor? I saw what HLC does and is needed due to the way cars drive up my driveway. The lights will hit the camera and blind it until the lights move. I was leaning towards hikvision for their smart IR (I forgot the name) cameras with a lens and IR side-by-side
6: Any way to know what lens I'll need for each situation? I don't have tons of money to burn on $400+ variofocal cameras compared to a $80 similar one from Dahua. I am assuming 2.8 or 3.6mm will be enough for a general camera that faces the rear door and driveway.
7: Would it be better to dedicate the camera going on the garage as a dedicated driveway camera with a 6mm+ lens and use another camera to cover its blind spot?
8: If not is it smart to use another camera half way up the driveway to get more detail on the beginning portion where people drive up?
9: Are there any additional comments regarding my build that you'd like to know about or comment on?
Misc Info:
1: All cameras will be on another vlan
2: All cameras will eventually be on its own dedicated managed switch to save ports on the main one
3: Cameras will go into ports 13-24 on the switch
4: Current cameras were from a test CCTV system years ago that is currently offline.
5: Ignore how messy the server room is. I have to get around to organizing again.
6: All video will record to Blue Iris
7: Until I build a beefy central virtualization server that'll also run Blue Iris I must use the file server installed (Norco-4224 on the rack) and run a Windows server with Blue Iris. The cpu should easily handle a single camera and everything in that server's meant for data-integrity (ECC ram, non-consumer board etc).
EDIT: It seems I am best off just buying some cameras and going from there. I didn't get the main question I wanted answered fully so I'll see how things go once I start putting cameras up.
Background Info:
With recent break-ins to my parents' vehicles I want to install up to 12 IP cameras around the house and garage. I don't need anything too fancy, however it needs to be enough detail to at least show the person's skin color and possibly their face.
The path the cameras will take will be from my rack's poe injector to a 12 port patch panel near the rack, over to another 12 port patch panel over a vent where some will go down a PVC tube into the basement into another 12 port patch panel. From here the cables split off to whatever camera it needs to go to with at least 4 going through a PVC pipe underground into the garage and into 2 dual surface mount boxes and finally the 4 cameras. I am interested to read comments regarding this setup as I could technically go from the vertical patch panel over the vent straight to a horizontal patch panel on my rack though if I ever change racks (plan to buy a 36U monoprice one down the road as 42U is too big for me) I'll have to punch down 96 wires again with the possibility of it becoming 192 instead of just terminating 12 cables later.
I'm also linking to a shared google folder with relevant pictures that will give a better idea what I am working with. This house is nearly 100 years old, so any modding to it won't look that wonderful as some rooms don't even use plywood (uses sheaths of wood+rocks). There'll also be a Visio birdseye view with and without measurements showing the property, sidewalk, and telephone pole.
I want to tackle the driveway camera first as that's where the break-ins have happened. We've never had an intruder (yet). From there I want to put a porch and backdoor camera up for a potential intrusion and then branch into the garage, backyard, and inside the house.
Thank you for helping me and please let me know if you need more information. I tried to research as much as I could on my own and provide as much detail as I could before coming here.
Summary Questions:
1: What is your opinion on the patch panels and my rack? Which idea sounds better and more efficient?
2: I assumed this, though can I even run 100-150 feet worth of cat6 through multiple panels to a camera without significant loss? The cables shouldn't be exposed to the elements which is why they'll be UTP.
3: Would a dome or bullet be best for outside cameras? I like dome due to not being seen as easily however that requires accessories to mount it to a side wall.
4: The main camera will have a blind spot right near the main garage door; how can I overcome this? I was thinking either a dom camera facing the garage door or pinhole camera so it's even harder to see.
5: Hikvision or Dahua for indoor? I saw what HLC does and is needed due to the way cars drive up my driveway. The lights will hit the camera and blind it until the lights move. I was leaning towards hikvision for their smart IR (I forgot the name) cameras with a lens and IR side-by-side
6: Any way to know what lens I'll need for each situation? I don't have tons of money to burn on $400+ variofocal cameras compared to a $80 similar one from Dahua. I am assuming 2.8 or 3.6mm will be enough for a general camera that faces the rear door and driveway.
7: Would it be better to dedicate the camera going on the garage as a dedicated driveway camera with a 6mm+ lens and use another camera to cover its blind spot?
8: If not is it smart to use another camera half way up the driveway to get more detail on the beginning portion where people drive up?
9: Are there any additional comments regarding my build that you'd like to know about or comment on?
Misc Info:
1: All cameras will be on another vlan
2: All cameras will eventually be on its own dedicated managed switch to save ports on the main one
3: Cameras will go into ports 13-24 on the switch
4: Current cameras were from a test CCTV system years ago that is currently offline.
5: Ignore how messy the server room is. I have to get around to organizing again.
6: All video will record to Blue Iris
7: Until I build a beefy central virtualization server that'll also run Blue Iris I must use the file server installed (Norco-4224 on the rack) and run a Windows server with Blue Iris. The cpu should easily handle a single camera and everything in that server's meant for data-integrity (ECC ram, non-consumer board etc).
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