Stupid question about Clips and archiving


Pulling my weight
Sep 9, 2019
I have Alerts set to Limit Size: 1000 GB and to delete, but I always see "Delete: nothing to do [0K/0.97T, 1.55T free]" in the log for Alerts.

Does it only store stuff in the Alerts folder if you have "Store alert images as hi-res files"?

Can I just set that value to 0 in Clips and archiving and give that space to the New storage?

This may be a stupid answer, but I have mine set to "0". I remember reading that BI saves Alerts in the "db" folder.
This may be a stupid answer, but I have mine set to "0". I remember reading that BI saves Alerts in the "db" folder.

That seems like what it does, but I couldn't find it in the help file or from searching, probably searching the wrong term.
I think basic Alerts are just index pointers to the DB. You can check the "High Quality" .jpg saving which saves a picture in the Alert subfolder. I wonder if that setting you are speaking of keeps those .jpgs cleaned out.
As it turns out, if you check "Store alert images as hi-res files", the images will get stored in the Alerts folder whether you allot space for them or not. If the setting in Clips and Archiving is "0", the Hi-res images will still save to the Alerts folder. They will start using up the unallotted space in that drive, so you have to be careful.
I noticed a few of my cams had the ""Store alert images as hi-res files" checked.

If I go into the Alerts folder and delete those, will the database need to be deleted and rebuilt or does it not look at that folder? Also, would deleting those bring down the total number of clips?

I am at around 250,000 clips and trying to figure out if there is a way to get them lower other than removing cameras or changing motion sensitivity and then miss stuff. Does a longer cut and combine end up having any impact on number of clips - for example, do all the alerts get rolled up into one BVR file when cut and combine occurs? So if you did cut and combine at 8 hours, you would have 3 clips per day per cam and if you did 2 hours cut and combine, you would have 12 clips per day per cam. Or am I overthinking this.
I noticed a few of my cams had the ""Store alert images as hi-res files" checked.

If I go into the Alerts folder and delete those, will the database need to be deleted and rebuilt or does it not look at that folder? Also, would deleting those bring down the total number of clips?

I am at around 250,000 clips and trying to figure out if there is a way to get them lower other than removing cameras or changing motion sensitivity and then miss stuff. Does a longer cut and combine end up having any impact on number of clips - for example, do all the alerts get rolled up into one BVR file when cut and combine occurs? So if you did cut and combine at 8 hours, you would have 3 clips per day per cam and if you did 2 hours cut and combine, you would have 12 clips per day per cam. Or am I overthinking this.
You can delete the high res alerts. It will not affect the database.
To minimize the number of clips, set combine and cut to about an hour.
Good to hear about the high res. They are gone!

Wow cut and combine to one hour seems opposite of trying to minimize clips. I had most of mine between 4 to 8 hours.
I have Alerts set to Limit Size: 1000 GB and to delete, but I always see "Delete: nothing to do [0K/0.97T, 1.55T free]" in the log for Alerts.

Does it only store stuff in the Alerts folder if you have "Store alert images as hi-res files"?

Can I just set that value to 0 in Clips and archiving and give that space to the New storage?

It should be noted though, that even if you don't use high-res alerts, Blue Iris DELETES\PRUNES alerts as per the ALERTS Folder settings. (Keeps the clips, but the alerts go)
ie: If the Alerts folder in Clips is set to delete after 7 days, BI deletes the Alerts. (Even if there are no actual ALERTS in the Alert Folder).