US Elections (& Politics) :)


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
For anybody who has the time for a long read based on a recommendation, try this one:
A Time for New Beginnings and Ending That Which Must End

If you're bored right at the beginning, skip down a few paragraphs to "In so many ways, Trump is the perfect foil to usher in a new epoch… "

The article is more pro-Trump than anti-Trump, but is totally anti-swamp. Got me thinking about a lot of issues that haven't hit me. Prior understanding of the Borg is a prerequisite for some of the points, for instance "What if the innermost circle of The Borg, or, at least, the mid-level components like the Deep State, Orwellian Media, Dems, Rinos, and punditry, were actually caught off guard by Trump’s 2016 win."


Getting comfortable
May 30, 2020
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Did Trump concede “ I will not be attending the inauguration on the 20th” ?


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Okay, I had to work all week and really missed all this till last night was able to watch a few broadcasts. And really I've not had in depth time to look at everything so I still might not have the whole picture. I don't watch TV so no MSM influence at all. I did watch a Ben Shapiro commentary who I agree with from what I know about everything.

First impression I had was that image of Confederate Flag being flown. That is not 99.99999...% of conservatives. Any real Patriot would not allow that at a so called "Patriot" rally. And what is with Conan The Barbarian? These idiots really set things back for the 99.99999....% of the normal conservatives (that just want the "Policies" that Trump did) without their criminal antics at the Capitol.

Also, I will say that Trump did not help at all. I don't think he told these idiots to go down and create havoc and break into the Capitol, but he should have been saying all along that dependent on what our law makers decided upon he was moving forward to a peaceful transition of power.

What a huge setback :-(

Enlighten me if I'm wrong.
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Living the Life

Getting the hang of it
Nov 5, 2020
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Also, I will say that Trump did not help at all. I don't think he told these idiots to go down and create havoc and break into the Capitol, but he should have been saying all along that dependent on what our law makers decided upon he was moving forward to a peaceful transition of power.

What a huge setback :-(

Enlighten me if I'm wrong.
You're not wrong. Trump really screwed the pooch. He is (in my opinion) directly responsible for the Georgia senate victories by the Democrats.

Trump had every right to file suits challenging the results of the state elections. And he also had good reason to suspect hanky-panky in the whole mail-in ballot debacle. But once the states certify their electoral votes, that's when you have to bow to the inevitable, act like a politician, and start planning for the future. Every state has the final say in their own electoral votes. That's the entire point of the Electoral College.

Instead, Trump kept pushing to change the electoral vote results long after any point of reason. And in doing so, he ruined himself and handed over Congress to the Democrats.

But I should also say that I am fully convinced that the Democrats, despite their victories, are going to botch things so successfully that the Republicans will be astonished by how quickly they bounce back. Just hearing the gloating comments from the left convinces me that they'll find themselves so neck-deep in crises a year from now that they'll have no idea how to respond. All it will take is another major recession, with massive taxes and regulations piling on to destroy small businesses, to show everyone just how utterly incompetent and corrupt the Democratic Party really is.


Getting comfortable
Nov 8, 2019
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Beacon, NY
In the end, Trump cost the Republicans the Presidency, the Senate and the house. The son of a b$%ch actually did it! He Made America Great Again!


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Okay, just found a few of the videos showing the mayhem inside the capitol and the shooting. If they'd had not breached the capitol, okay maybe, as long as they booted the guy with Confederate flag and any other idiot like that.

Those idiots. They do not represent me, if they were indeed Patriots, and not Antifa.

I understand the frustration over the last 4 years with the fake Russian collusion narrative and the fake impeachment and the liberal lie machine. But each and everyone of these idiots ought to spend serious jail time.

I can fully understand Trump biting back at the lies over the last 4 years by the liberal lie machine.

But honestly I'm very mad at Trump for what he said just prior to this stupidity.

And CtTurdWing, you are an idiot also!
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Getting comfortable
Dec 21, 2020
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In the end, Trump cost the Republicans the Presidency, the Senate and the house. The son of a b$%ch actually did it! He Made America Great Again!
On the contrary, the biased media and news orgs were 99% of it, hiding the the corruption of the dirty democrats and spreading lies about the most popular figure and PRESIDENT in the history of the world. Then chinas covid and the fear spreading from the shitocrats. Not to mention the republican politicians being the typical back stabbing cowards they are that ultimately cut their own throats (but are too stupid to realize it yet). And let us not forget the fake votes that there is actual proof of.

Look at all of the Trump supporters flooding his rallies. No demoshits will ever have the support and love that President Trump does. He made shitbama look like a bigger failure than he did in the first place. LMAO

Go ahead, keep being angry knowing that NO shitocrat president will ever get the 70 MILLION votes (legally) that President Trump did.
And I don't even have to mention (but will), it took the loser shitocrats 5 years, hundreds of millions of dollars, and the help of the world and every force you could round up to take down a single man. That is the funniest shit ever. Enjoy your next 4 years, the past 5 made it worth it!!! :rofl:


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Here's a video of the violent Trump supporters violently breaking into the capitol building. They walked right into the setup. Does anybody think this video will even be seen on MSM?
Looks like the police opened the doors and let them inside
No Doubt about it, the cops didn't even stop them or object at all. They opened the door, it was not broken down at all

That is super revealing. Those cops are just as responsible for what took place. Each and every one of those cops ought to lose their job and pensions.

My gut tells me that someone told them to open the door. Or why else would they just open the door.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
wow... just wow...

Game of Thrones moment... letting them into the castle...

Yeah that's pretty revealing and I just watched some of the video on parlor I must say that I am not up on all this I've been very busyand just now have a few minutes to look into this. But there were definitely Antifa there.


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA