If it is a mechanical chime you have to pick it in your App upon install, also make sure you have the power kit installed.BY that I mean that the physical chime that I have installed in the house isn't working.
If it is a mechanical chime you have to pick it in your App upon install, also make sure you have the power kit installed.
Several possibilities, how good is your cell connection? Doorbell WiFi connection? These play a part, also we have noticed the Cloud sometimes cause the issues. I have had my DB for over two years, my guess would be the button call to both my phone and my wife's works about 80% of the time. One time in particular our Cell Carrier was working on their towers for a few months, during that time we almost never got the call from the DB button pushed. When working the button to call is about a 5 second delay. A motion (PIR) detection is about 1 second though...to get the phone notification.In the app? Ok. I couldn't find it in the laview one app. I'll check again. What about the problem of it not always starting up on my phone when somebody presses the button?
We have a few writeups on the Chime problem in our 101:I had a different HikVision doorbell installed previously, and it rang. I do have the little white box installed. Should I remove it or check it somehow?